ArchangelUK gets his hands on Unleashed!
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that ArchangelUK is in essence one of us, a online community trooper and total fanboy. Today he posted on his very popular and successful fan site ‘Sonic Wrecks‘ about his early impressions of Unleashed as a fanboy (and an apology for neglecting the site this week stating “I’ve kind of been playing a lot of Sonic Unleashed” LOL).
While answering the question “Is this game worth buying?” (Which the answer was an unequivocal YES!) AAUK wanted to put a brick wall in front of potential whining fanboys before they got a chance to pick holes in Sonic’s latest outing.
– If you’re going to hate the Werehog no matter what, then don’t buy it.
– If all you’re going to do is to compare it with the original Sonic don’t buy it.
– If all you’re going to do is to compare it with Sonic 06, because the idea of a “love”, regardless of the type or intent, between a one-off human character and an anthropomorph has somehow spoiled things for you so badly it’s all you blather on about by all means buy it but be quiet.
– If you’re going to get upset if the game DARES cater for someone younger than you, or by that fans who a) weren’t Sonic fans until recently or b) weren’t alive when Sonic 1 was released don’t buy it.
– If you’re gonna get in a spin over voices buy it… and turn the voices off, or put it on mute.
If however you want to buy a new Sonic game, because
– its a new “main” Sonic game
– it looks superb – which it does
– the music is brilliant. Which it is, the Werehog fighting music is by far and away the best thing in the known universe.
– the gameplay is great
or – its highly engaging and enjoyableThen by all means buy it!
In the end the majority of people who are complaining now will be complaining about the same things (in their opinion) post-launch, I meanwhile will be playing Sonic Unleashed until I get all the medals, eat all the hotdogs, get 1000 points or die trying – and my grinning face will be forever etched on my face by rigor mortis.
Now if you’ll excuse me… *GRINS DEMENTEDLY*
It’s very good to hear from a true fanboy that Unleashed has shaped up to be a good game. I am even more excited ahead of the release now. Also, I am very happy with what AAUK has laid out as ground rules for fanboys, a few of them even made me chuckle to myself.
The only thing that annoys me about the whole thing now is that AAUK has got a head start on getting those blasted achievements! XD
So AAUK got the XBOX360 version?
So Didn’t SEGA change the XBOX version release date to Nov 20th?
Not sure where you got that Aqua Team, and yes it was the 360 version – its full code but on a Microsoft disk not an actual retail disk, no box etc.
Those ‘rules’ are a bit tongue in cheek in case anyone didn’t get that. ^_^
Aaawww, I can’t wait. One more day it’s out tomorrow. XD
its not out tommorow in the U.S! SEGA hasn`t even confraimed it!
This hands on hardly reveals anything new. “the gameplay is great” Oh jolly. I guess it comes down to your own personal experience. But a demo would have been nice.
Hey Pulstar,
Sorry man! Even though I wrote “AAUK.. hands on…” in the title, it wasn’t really “He’s got it, here’s what he thought!”. Just updating with the thoughts of a community goer really. I’ll title better next time ;-D
He’ll be saying the exact oppostie by the time he completes it. We’ll all be saying the oppostite of that by the time everyone plays and completes the game.
Just watch.
*OPPOSITE. God, why can’t I spell today? I misspelt the same word in two different ways! Talk about embarrassing!
I get that a lot, but I always end up typing a completely different word and that’s even worse. It ruins the sentance structure.
Actually, you bring up an interesting point. Haven’t we all had games we loved when we popped them in the system, but after we beat it and try to go back to it…it just bores us to death?
Meh. I trust no one’s opinion. I’ll get it, and try it, but, I can wait a while. To me, it still looks like random shit, Sega crapped out for the hell of it… /:
Good to see you writing for the site Mike, and to hear AAUK’s thoughts on the game!
@SLJCOAAATR: wait arent u the guy who liked sonic 06? cause if u are that means revitivaly know one will trust ur opinions
The only Sonic games I despise have been-
Sonic Labyrinth
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic Drift 1 and 2
Shadow(not really a Sonic game, but…)
Sonic 06
I highly doubt the game will be bad, maybe average at most. I haven’t seen the cruddy loading times, I haven’t seen horrible controls from people playing it, and I haven’t seen a new character that the whole game is based around(Chip looks more like a guide, unless I’m mistaken). So this game LOOKS(notice looks) like a 7.5 to me so far.
I’m okay that you have an opinion, but quit acting like we all think the same thing. By we’ll, you mean you and 4 1/2 other people. I’m sorry this game isn’t a “blast to the past” Sonic game from days of old. >_>
I’m guessing you will go crazy with cursing to try and make a recoil.
Come on, Okami-san. Let’s not start another war, but I still want you to express your opinion.
I liked almost every Sonic game (except the Game Gear ones), with the exception of Sonic ’06. I think Unleashed will be good, seeing how they weren’t rushed this time, and not to mention DIMPS is working on the Wii Version.
For God’s sake, can’t I say anything on this bloody website without causing another argument?!
You know what? Why don’t you guys just say whatever the hell you like to me. Go on. Make my life even worse. Give it all you’ve got.
theres nothing wrong with expressing ur opinion dont listen to what everyone else says
I myself think both versions will be great 9/10 from what I’ve seen
Kits’Okami : yeah just dont start cursing us and everyone will actually listen 2 ur opinions and not keep bashing u and i’m done fightin and dont feel like it
I FUCKING WANT IT!!! D= Then again, I’m ordering it with my new Xbox come thursday.
Kits, you’re getting awfully defensive and irritable. No one was arguing with you, they were respectfully disagreeing. That being said, when you have such strong words about a game you’ve only seen trailers of, you’re gonna attract a lot of attention. And even more when you get all dramatic about it. Say what you want, but when someone disagrees with you, don’t take to yelling and making a martyr out of yourself.
I’ve read the comments literally three times and all three times you’ve been complaining. All I’m saying is if you’re gonna do it, don’t get so bent out of shape when you get called out.
WOW! Didn’t think when writing this up that it would cause such a debate! Lots of emotion and fire! LOL, even the occasion emo rant was thrown in there. All the characteristics of a normal Sonic-fanboy ‘heated discussion’.
I think that this game will be so good that’ll have to add another notch to my review slider! 11 out of 10 baby! LOL.
Oh, by the way, an article about a press release by SEGA on IGN claims that the 360 version ships the 24th.
Tongue in cheek huh? I wish. You hit the nail on the head with these crybabies. “It’s not (insert Sonic The Hedgehog 1, or 2 here)”. “Since when is Sonic for kids? I’m not a kid!” The list of stupid quotes goes on… What these idiots don’t seem to realize, or maybe that part of their life was erased or something, but they WERE kids when they played the original Sonic in 91 or first played Sonic 2 in 92. It was a kids franchise then, and it still is. I just don’t understand why the “fans” feel the need for Sega to cater to them now that they’re older. And anyway all they want is a rehash of the original game…in 2D by the way. Because “Sonic in 3D doesn’t work.” Again I just want to point out the games are being made for kids not some 25-30 year old douchebag who just can’t get over the fact that the games aren’t like the ones from when they were a kid.
Do you people realize what you are doing? You are judging Unleashed BEFORE you have even played it! Ignore reviews and comments; it looks amazing to me; better than Sonic 3 & Knuckles. C’mon; remember that excited feeling inside you got when you watched the trailers? The wonderful graphics, blistering speed. THIS GAME IS THE ULTIMATE SONIC GAME!!! DON’T LOSE HOPE PEOPLE!
@You Mom: Sonic was for kids? I don’t think so my friend. May have seemed that way because you were. But believe me, Sonic was being bought by people of all ages, just like Mario was. It was constantly at the top of the gaming charts, are those the sales to just kids? I know this because the only reason I got into Sonic was because I was being looked after by these 16/17 year old guys and they were beating the hell out of Sonic. I was straight away amazed by the blue guy.
The fanboy scene has turned into more… like an old mans gathering. Constantly saying things like “Back in our day Sonic was living in a flat world! Not this new fangled 3D world! Psch!”. It’s more that notion, than “Wow, Sonic’s for kids now! Thanks a lot SEGA!”.
Personally, I don’t think Sonic is for kids. I think the games are still for people of all ages. I think people of all ages enjoyed the Adventure games on the Dreamcast and GameCube. I know I sure did.
The games were rated GA, and KA (general audience, and Kids to Adults originally), and now E (for everyone). So yeah the games are aimed at anyone who can pick up a controller, and not just kids. I agree with you on that,. but all I’m saying is that what’s with all the venom towards everything new in all the games in the 3D era (minus Extreme though, seeing as they never got a chance to play it so they could bash it, it was automatically labeled a masterpiece by the fans)…or basically anything after Sonic 3/& Knuckles? Instead of being levelheaded individuals the fanboys act like as you said old men; with their “It wasn’t like this before!”, “Back in my day…”, etc… It would just be nice to hear the fans actually act like fans, and rate the newer games on their own merit, instead of comparing them to how thing used to be.