In-Depth: Random Stats About Mania, Forces, & The Boom Cartoon
Sorry for the delay in writing this up, it has been a hectic month, but welcome to the latest In-Depth piece! As per usual, these articles serve to do a case study on a certain Sonic related topic, taking research into account from things like dev interviews and the historical record. This month is a trivia-focused edition, where we look at random bits of trivia from what we know about Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces, along with the Sonic Boom cartoon. You may learn something new here, so stick around:
- One criticism about Sonic Forces is the return of Green Hill Zone. Green Hill has showed up 21 times over the course of Sonic’s history. Of those 21 times, 17 were by exact name & graphics (Sonic 1, Sonic Drift, Sonic Blast, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Battle, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Sonic Jump, Sega Superstars Tennis, Sonic Chronicles, Sonic Generations, Sonic Dash, Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Smash 3DS, Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax, LEGO Dimensions, Sonic Mania, and Sonic Forces). 3 times, the name was changed (Sonic 2 8-bit had Green Hills Zone, Sonic Chaos had Mecha Green Hill Zone, Sonic Advance had Neo Green Hill Zone). This also includes Sonic Pocket Adventure. The game’s first zone, Neo South Island Zone, used various assets from previous zones, including Green Hill’s. This does not count games like Sonic Heroes, Sonic Advance 3, and Sonic Lost World, which had Green Hill-like levels but weren’t intended to be Green Hill itself. Green Hill Zone has been mechanized (Sonic Chaos), driven on (Sonic Drift), converted into 3D (Sonic Adventure 2), battled on (Super Smash Bros. Brawl), sapped of color (Sonic Generations), and turned into sand (Sonic Forces).
- In Park Avenue of Sonic Forces, giant robots can be seen stomping around destroying the place. The last time we saw a Sonic game’s story advance in the background of a level? Sonic & The Black Knight.
- We also hear a vocal track in Sonic Forces’ Park Avenue. The last time that a vocal track was created for a Sonic game was Sonic Colors in 2010.
- Sonic Mania has wanted posters of characters like Fang The Sniper in Mirage Saloon. This is the second time in Sonic’s history that these characters were used in posters. The first time was in Sonic Generations.
- Sonic Boom’s cartoon is currently having a multi-parter event. There is not a single Sonic cartoon that doesn’t have a multi-parter. They have all had one in some fashion.
- Mike Pollock has voiced Sonic characters in more Sonic cartoon episodes than there are episodes of Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog’s, SatAM’s, and Sonic Underground’s combined.
- Sonic Boom has now aired more episodes than Sonic X.
- Sonic Mania has elemental shields, the third time in Sonic’s history. The other times were Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Generations.
- Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania mark the first time that someone other than Sonic is playable in a main series Sonic game since 2012, with Metal Sonic in Sonic 4: Episode Metal, content that you only get if you have Sonic 4: Episode 1 & 2 on the same platform. Before then? Sonic Rush Adventure.
- Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces will be at E3 this year, the first time a main series Sonic game has done so since 2013.
- Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces are both main series Sonic titles that are slated to release this year. 2010 was the last time that multiple main Sonic titles released in the same year (Sonic Colors, Sonic 4: Episode 1).
- 2017 marks the first time in 3 years that a Sonic Boom game is not planned for release.
- Sonic Forces marks the 6th boost game in Sonic’s history. Sonic Rush, Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations were the others.
- Sonic Mania marks the first time that SEGA has used sprite graphics in an original Sonic game since 2007 with Sonic Rush Adventure.
- Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces are the first console Sonic games to release on a non-Nintendo platform in 5 years. Sonic 4: Episode 2 was the last time.
- If Sonic Mania’s summer release timetable holds up, this would be the first Sonic game to release around the summer season since Sonic 4: Episode 2 in 2012.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Hm, we’ve had the Custom Hero reveal for Forces, there’s the four-parter going on right now in the Boom cartoon. What about a reveal for Mania?
It might have took you a while to type this article huh SSF1991? You know, since both sonic games are coming at E-3 2017, my guess is that SEGA will finally have there own booth I presume?
I can’t believe it’s been basically 10 years since we were able to play as another character apart from a Sonic. That’s a really long time. No wonder the games feel stale to me…
It really isn’t hard for Sega to use characters just as skins like almost every mod does.
You forgot to mention that the Whisps have returned for Sonic Forces, which have last been seen in a Sonic game in 2013, with Sonic Lost World and they first debuted as Sonic characters in Sonic Colours, 2010
That one was pretty obvious, in my opinion, so that’s why I didn’t include it.
Also they were in Sonic Runners.
You could say that it’d mark their 4th appearance, Colors, Lost World, Runners and Forces in total. lol
But it’s just a random list of fun facts. The list can go on and on but doesn’t have to. lol
It really is just a random list of fun facts. This wasn’t really meant to be a full fledged thing anyway. lol
I should have a more proper In-Depth article next month.
Element shields where also in the adventure series
not all ofcourse only electric and the normal one maybe thats why it isn’t included
They were basically magnet shields, not really elemental ones.
Fire shield from 3d blast says hey ;p
It’s the same one from S3&K though.
Honestly, shields have just been gone for a while.
“8. Sonic Mania has elemental shields, the third time in Sonic’s history. The other times were Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Generations.”
Lost World had them too. Both versions, in fact.
“10. Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces will be at E3 this year, the first time a main series Sonic game has done so since 2013.”
Well, uh, yeah. They’re the only main series games we’ve gotten since then, lol.
“13. Sonic Forces marks the 6th boost game in Sonic’s history. Sonic Rush, Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations were the others.”
7th if you count Sonic’s Speed Break ability from Secret Rings. It was basically a proto-Boost of sorts, but it functions a bit differently, so I can see why it wasn’t included.
“14. Sonic Mania marks the first time that SEGA has used sprite graphics in an original Sonic game since 2007 with Sonic Rush Adventure.”
The DS version of Sonic Colors had sprites too, Donnie. Just like the Rush games that came before it.
Also Boom may have the highest Episode count, but X still currently has the highest run time, due to it being a half hour anime vs Boom’s 11 minute format. 52 Episodes of Boom roughly equals 26 Episodes of X. X was also the longest airing Sonic show, as it still aired reruns for quite some time long after it ended.
“Lost World had them too. Both versions, in fact.” I honestly keep forgetting about Lost World’s toys and gadgets. I never used them.
“Well, uh, yeah. They’re the only main series games we’ve gotten since then, lol.” That’s not the point.
“The DS version of Sonic Colors had sprites too, Donnie. Just like the Rush games that came before it.” Another thing I keep forgetting about. Colors DS was basically a Rush game.
I’d say Speed Break was sort’ve a proto boost for 3D games as
Rush came first (tho I feel like Rush and Rush Adventure come off as not boost games
due to not being 3D but I guess they are XD)
Hey what about the iOS version of Unleashed? Then again Colors was listed as one game
so I guess alternate versions of a title don’t count.
As for proto boosts for 3D, at the earliest (that I can think of) I would FIRST point to 06 for their Mach Speed sections… But to take it a step further, I’d say Sonic Heroes special stage, which is literally the exact mechanism of the boost. O:
I’m not sure Rush Adventure counts as a sprite game. Pretty sure they use cel-shaded 3D models.
I looked up sprites for Rush Adventure and there were the sprite sheets…so…beats me.
Characters like Sonic and Blaze were models along with boss stages, main acts and enemies were all sprite-based.
Generations had lyrics in Knuckles’ racing level and Tails was playable as first player in Sonic 4 Episode 2 in multiplayer. If Rush Adventure counts, then plenty mobile games, Sonic Boom, etc have other characters.
“Generations had lyrics in Knuckles’ racing level” It was a remix to a song that already existed.
“Tails was playable as first player in Sonic 4 Episode 2 in multiplayer.” That doesn’t count. For one, it’s multiplayer (a bonue feature). Two, you can’t actually play as Tails in single player.
“If Rush Adventure counts, then plenty mobile games, Sonic Boom, etc have other characters.” Rush Adventure counts because it’s a main Sonic game. The others aren’t.
They made NEW lyrics added to Escape From the City in Generations tho. lol
One verse. And it was like two lines.
Also Tails does count cuz you said “playable”. You shoulda said “playable on their own without being part of a co-op system or gimmick”. Because Sonic couldn’t be playable without Tails at least being the computer. You could play as Tails alone with Sonic following as a computer. Just Sonic was always P1 and Tails was always P2 controller wise XD
Honestly I just assumed you want cuz Metal’s ep was a result of Sonic 4 eps 1 and 2 thus making it released after ep 2 technically
If I had to count Tails as being “playable” in Episode II, then I’d have to count the many spinoff titles where other characters are “playable”.
9. Before Sonic 4 Sonic & The Black Knight was the last game to have multiple playable characters (Shadow, Knuckles and Blaze) after Rush Adventure, I think it counts as a main Sonic game.
It’s not. It’s considered a storybook series title, a spinoff.
“In Park Avenue of Sonic Forces, giant robots can be seen stomping around destroying the place. The last time we saw a Sonic game’s story advance in the background of a level? Sonic & The Black Knight.”
We need more of that.