Fan Fridays: Sonic Villains
Welcome back to another wonderful installment of Fan Fridays! This week we’ll be taking a look an animated fan film in the works, appropriately titled Sonic Villains. Now sure, I could tell you all about it… but why not hear it straight from the creator himself? Here’s what producer Arion Rashad had to say about the project.
Sonic Villains celebrates the nearly 30 years of alternate continuities spawned from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise in the most evil way possible. The film follows Eggman after the events of Sonic Forces as he uses the last of the mysterious Phantom Ruby to gather villains across almost EVERY SONIC UNIVERSE to regain control, and destroy Sonic in the craziest battle he’s faced yet.
Sonic isn’t alone in this multidimensional battle though! Along with the Resistance (led by Knuckles The Echidna and Amy Rose) comes help in the film’s second protagonist, Tekno the Canary (from the early Fleetway Sonic the Comic magazines.) When her chance to prove herself as a worthy hero arrises, Tekno the Canary joins SEGASonic in an attempt to fight against Dr. Eggman’s army of villains. But will her smarts alone be enough?
Sonic Villains gathers baddies big and small from across the entire franchise. Ranging from fandom creations like Sonic .EXE, Sonic X’s Dark Oak, Sonic Underground’s Sleet and Dingo, AOSTH’s S6 Squad &…. Sara from the Sonic OVA?! Huh, wonder why that is…?
My goal for Villains is to create a fan film that unapologetically LOVES EVERYTHING SONIC and tell a fun, action-packed story with a strong emotional core. Not only is Villains fun because you get to see all these baddies interacting with each other to take Sonic down, but the film itself follows a style very prominently seen in films like the LEGO Movies and Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Films that celebrate the iconography of a particular subject matter, flaws & all, by telling a story that brings fans and non-fans together in a way that says: “No matter how you choose to enjoy this thing, know that it is all completely valid. This film is for ANYBODY who wants it.” I think fans old and new’ll find something to enjoy in what’s being made here.
While the project has no set release date, the passionate team behind it is working hard and welcoming newcomers. To find out more, check out Sonic Villains on their Twitter, Tumblr, and website. We’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!
After that last statement at the end, I’m actually pretty excited. It’s nice to see more people interested in validating ALL parts of the Sonic fandom instead of glorifying just one or a couple parts of it and blatantly ignoring or trashing the rest of it. I don’t like every single Sonic thing out there (honestly I’ve never really understood the appeal of Fleetway…), but it feels great to see how everyone’s passion gets to be represented alongside the stuff I’m passionate about too. Plus, projects like this tend to be a really great way to pull you into other stuff like that, so who knows, maybe I’ll gain a newfound appreciation for all that other stuff I’ve been ignoring for a while. I’m looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
Thanks so much, Hero! It’s fun seeing all the debates over what version of Sonic is their ‘perfect’ one. We all have preferences and I think that’s part of why the character’s been around for as long as he has. Everyone’s grown up with their own idea of who/what Sonic is, so isn’t every version of Sonic the ‘perfect’ one? lol
That’s what the project is all about. And yeah, if we can tell a story that gets ppl into other aspects of the franchise, that adds a nice little cherry on top of everything the project has going for it!