Fan Fridays: Sonic The Hedgehog Fanfilm
Amongst all the buzz surrounding Mania Adventures and its riveting success, animation seems to be a pretty hot topic for Sonic right now. Amidst the hype, Charles Cantu has released his own Sonic Fanimation, packed to the brim with unique panning, dynamic angles, and the acrobatic speed we’ve all come to know and love. Similar to Mania Adventures, this film skillfully combines elements of both 2D and 3D, and has been in development for the past year. It is definitely worth the watch.
If you liked the video, be sure to check out Charles‘ YouTube Channel. As always, we’re searching for fan work to spotlight, so if you have a project you’d like to share with the world, be sure to send us a link at!
Wow! That was actually really good! Gotta love those animation smears! Wonderful short film.