Fan Fridays: Sonic R Remixes
No matter your thoughts on Sonic R, it’s hard to argue against the rather unique nature of its soundtrack. Its collection of soft pop tunes stands out in the Sonic franchise’s history to this day, and we’ve gathered up some fun remixes based on that soundtrack for you this week. First up is a dubstep version of the game’s main theme by MagicmusicX, and the track really grooves once it gets going. Next is an electronic take on Work It Out from Chronamut that dates all the way back to 2004; oddly enough, some sections of it remind me of something out of the original Paper Mario. Last (but certainly not least) is my favorite of the three: a seriously rocking remix of Living in the City by Zurachi. Though more of a cover than a remix, it sounds incredibly clean and polished; put it on in the background, and you might even think it’s a long-lost Crush 40 song.
You can listen to all three remixes below. As always, we’re on the lookout for fan works to spotlight, so if you have a project you want the world to know about, send us a link at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!