Fan Fridays: Sonic Mania & Runners Videos
We’ve got an interesting pairing of videos for you this week. The first is informative, a celebration of and a warm welcome for Sonic Mania. The video, posted by Super Bunnyhop, is an in-depth look at what Taxman and Stealth produced prior to their work on Mania, and it analyzes the building blocks of technology and knowledge upon which Mania is built. The second is a love letter to Sonic Runners, which was sadly shut down earlier this week. The video, posted by Ruki185, showcases and preserves gameplay from all 29 of the game’s characters in the span of a full hour, so if you’ve ever wondered how certain characters would play and control in Runners, this video has you covered.
You can watch both videos in full below. As always, we’re on the lookout for fan works to spotlight, so if you have a project you want the world to know about, send us a link at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!