Fan Fridays: Sonic Mania Art
SEGA may only have announced Sonic Mania last month, but there’s already plenty of fan artwork based on what we’ve seen of it so far, and we’ve got some of that art for you this week. Below, you’ll find an awesome custom wallpaper from Nibroc-Rock, a recreation of the game’s logo from Doctor-G, and glimpses into Studiopolis Zone from Nl-Rad and AstralSonic. On a personal note, it’s really nice to see the rush of appreciation for Sonic Mania staying strong well after its announcement, so keep that fan art coming!
You can check out all of these images in the gallery below. As always, we’re on the lookout for fan works to spotlight, so if you have a project you want the world to know about, send us a link at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!