Fan Fridays: Sea3on Animated
To the dismay of many, Sonic SatAM’s second season saw its end on a cliffhanger. A third season was planned, but was scrapped due to low ratings. 25 years later, a group of fans have joined together to produce the long-awaited final season by themselves, cleverly titled Sea3on Animated.
The project consists of many fans and professionals, each with their own special skills. The team has even managed to recruit the original series’ composer to assemble the score once again. Progress is proceeding smoothly, with pre-production on Episode 1 planned to wrap-up sometime later this year.
It’s an ambitious project for sure, so if you have any interest in supporting them, then please check out their Patreon. In addition to the videos listed below, you can find more project updates on Twitter and their website. Until next time, we’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!
After seeing the trailer, you’d think this was gonna be a game or something where you get to be a part of the action like in Sonic Forces. Only diffs: There is a good amount of scripted story, and you can only progress after meeting certain requirements, such as taking out a boss, losing enemies in a chase, things like that. Still, if the ones making this are smart, they’ll also look at the comics for what they can cover from it as well. At least they got it right that the eyes we saw were of Naugus.