Fan Fridays: Replacement Cover Art
We’ve all been there. You walk into Gamestop to buy a used game, but the box art is missing, in its place being a weird illustration that resembles an off-brand flash animation. Well the guys down at VIP GameStore were well aware of this issue, so they decided to take it upon themselves and put those days to an end. Now running a Twitter page, they post their makeshift box art illustrations for all to see. Believe me when I say this: they are nothing short of beautiful.
They’ve put together plenty of humorous replacements ranging from both old to new, but for the sake of this post we’ve highlighted all of their Sonic variety. Included are classics such as Sonic 3, the Adventure games, and even the recent Team Sonic Racing. You can view the full collection in all its glory down below.
We’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!