Fan Fridays: Jack Rothwell
In the age of gritty reboots, one might wonder how Sonic’s world would look if given such a treatment…
Oh wait, that’s coming out next February.
All movie jabs aside, today we’d like to spotlight some brilliant modern takes on the original zones from Sonic the Hedgehog. Artist Jack Rothwell has recreated these levels from scratch with an extremely busy and industrial new art direction. It almost seems as if Robotnik actually succeeded in roboticizing the planet. Whatever the intent, these new interpretations are a spectacle to behold, and a beautiful new way to visualize the hedgehog’s roots.
We’ve included the original lineup in the gallery below, but you can find even more from Jack’s collection on Behance and Artstation. Until next time, we’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!