Fan Fridays: Hortinus
Welcome back to the Fan Fridays!.. on a Saturday. Yeah, it was only a matter of time before this happened. Oh well – the show must go on!
Today we’d like to point the spotlight on Hortinus, a man who’s responsible for many mods, sprite animations, and musical covers. Truly a talented individual, Hortinus uploads his work to Youtube for all to see. His content consists of his mods, highlights, sprite art and more. We’ve included three of his videos below for you to enjoy, including his latest sprite animation based off Sonic Mania Adventures.
You can check out Hortinus on both YouTube and Twitter for frequent updates. We’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!