Fan Fridays: Heather Ferris
We spotlight a lot of art here on Fan Fridays, but what many of us often overlook is how that art comes to life, the process by which this community’s talented creators produce the work that they do. This week’s feature caught my eye because it does exactly that – show the process behind the art. While Heather Fucci’s YouTube channel mostly focuses on Star Trek, she has uploaded two time-lapse videos of her creating Sonic art of her own. The first video chronicles her hand-painting Sonic in Green Hill Zone over the course of three days, and the second details how she created a small piece of stained glass art of Sonic’s head. It’s really interesting to watch these pieces come together, and the process in both cases is worth a look.
We’ve embedded both videos below. If you have a fan project you want the world to know about, send us a link at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!