Fan Fridays: Esteban Gutierrez
Many kids grow up with a crayon and coloring book in hand. Looking back at these old works can feel warm and nostalgic, feelings that artist Esteban Gutierrez hones into perfectly with his traditional art. Esteban’s work is expressive and energetic, colored vividly to convey the pure wonder and joy brought by childhood and the ’90s.
His works commonly consist of completely original stages, as well as some fan favorites from games such as Sonic Before the Sequel, Sonic Overture, and Sonic Gaiden. A handful of our favorites have been featured in the gallery below.
You can find more from Esteban on Twitter. We’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!