Fan Fridays: Chaos Force Studio
We haven’t looked at fan game content in a while, so we’re taking care of that this week! Sonic Evolution is a work-in-progress fan game from Brazilian creator Ricardo Raionhardt and his Chaos Force Studio. The game is made possible thanks to Unreal Engine 4 and a custom development framework called the Hedgehog Development Kit, or HDK, which Raionhardt built alongside some collaborators. The project aims to bring the familiar mechanics of 3D Sonic gameplay to the Unreal Engine platform, and thanks to the increased graphics power of the newer engine, it all looks pretty good.
Even in its rough early state, the project shows some promise. You can check out videos of the HDK and Sonic Evolution in action below, and you can learn more about the project here; The videos below include a trailer for HDK itself and a mostly-silent foliage stress test. We thank Ricardo for bringing his work to our attention. As always, we’re on the lookout for fan works to spotlight, so if you have a project you want the world to know about, send us a link at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!