Fan Fridays: AshZone
It’s Friday, which means it’s time to kick back, relax, and enjoy some funky remixes. Music composer AshZone is dishing out just that, with an ensemble full of originals and remixes a-plenty. They’ve even done work on the well-known Sonic Mania Remix Album! We’ve included a few of our favorites below, so grab some headphones and get ready to jam out.
You can listen to more from AshZone on all your favorites: YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, and even Apple Music. (And if you like the header art, you can find more of that on Instagram.) Until next time, we’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!