Christmas Chaos
CHRISTMAS CHAOS is a collaboration project by members of the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase, and organised over at Sonic Retro.
A 7 track promo was released over on Cafe-Blue.com (remember that?) in 2008 and for the life of us we can’t seem to find any evidence anything else was released. It’s also seemingly been scrubbed from existence and the Wayback Machine barely has anything on the release page itself.
What is below consists of the tracks that subsequently showed up in other places.
1. Sonic Warrior TJ – Knuckles & The Spirit of Christmas
4. Dustin Wyatt – Twinkle Dance Zone
5. Puto – Jingle Bells Chiptune Remix
6. Muteki – Greensleves Chiptune Remix
7. Roxahris – Joy To The World
Writer of words and comics, streamer of games, presenter of radio shows and eternal 'just a guy'. LMC's boss-man has worked on projects for SEGA, Square Enix, Konami, Capcom and more. Once co-created and hosted an international fan-convention because he can do that sort of thing. Used to be known as AAUK/ArchangelUK.