The Tale of the Mysterious Mountain Sonic Statue
At the end of 2015, a Japanese biker made an interesting discovery during one of his trips. That discovery would set forth a mystery that would take years to solve. What he found was a giant Sonic statue in the mountains of Japan. He posted some pictures on Twitter and then moved on without a trace. Sonic fans quickly caught note, and they wanted answers. Unfortunately, these were answers the biker could not provide. He didn’t know who did it, when it was set up, or even exactly where it was. The fans refused to accept this fate; they were determined to solve this mystery.
As you can probably guess, the statue was eventually discovered. But the story doesn’t stop there, not at all. Finding the statue only gave birth to a new set of questions and concerns. The statue is still standing today, though time has definitely taken its course on it. With the proper care and repair, and the right people notified, this strange Sonic could stay standing for years to come. In the end, there’s a lot to be said about this statue hidden in Japan, and you can see it all for yourself in this excellently crafted video by Badnik Mechanic, where he goes on to explain the complete timeline of events, and where we stand now. Check out the complete mystery and history in the video below.
Wouldn’t be that hard to restore it, the wear it has is pretty trivial and we have a decent look at how the nose should be sculpted. Someone should consider raising some funds to do this along with 3D scanning it if that’s at possible.
Love the 3D scanning idea