SSRG to Try and Bid on Sonic CD Prototypes
Besides a notice on Saxman’s latest departure, Stealth had a very interesting announcement on yesterday’s SSRG update:
I have just found that I can obtain two prototype Sonic MegaCD’s, but since I still have yet to pay my taxes, which will wipe me clean, I have made a plan where I can still get them, and share them with others at the same time. Note that I do not know any particular significance about them, other than they are said to be the Japanese version, but will still run on an American SegaCD. If you would like your own copy of one or both of these prototypes, you MUST pledge a minimum of $5 per copy to me before time runs out. All I require at this second is a mail from you stating that you WILL pay me immediately upon request. I must receive your mail before tomorrow (April 10) is over (sorry for such short notice, but it’s the best I can do) to be able to get the earliest copy, and before April 12 is over for the later copy. Please also note that if I am not guaranteed enough money before these dates that I will not be able to get the CD’s, and if you have offered any to me already, you will not be asked to send it. To everyone who wants it, including myself, good luck!
We should point out that the bid on the second SCD prototype is up to $10. Good luck to SSRG in obtaining this rare item.