Nakamura Prepares Sonic 1 & 2 OST Release
If you hadn’t guessed by now the 20th anniversary of Sonic is a licence to print money, and this is no truer for people who aren’t SEGA.
We’ve heard through Famitsu via TheDailyDL that the Sonic 1 & 2 Soundtracks are to get a special re-release courtesy of Masato Nakamura. Nakamura from group Dreams Come True is the creator and indeed OWNER of the music from Sonic 1 and 2. A little known fact is that SEGA have to pay royalties every time the likes of GHZ etc are used by them, a likely reason we’ve never seen remastered or reworked official versions before this.
Not only will the original tracks be on there, but the compilation will also contain the original demo tapes of both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 as well other bonuses.
Fans are already super excited for the CD, with even Yuji Naka commented via his Twitter account how he was “looking forward” very much to the release.