Full Original Sonic The Hedgehog Game Unlockable In Generations
With Generations now only a couple of weeks away and with all the trailers we’ve been seeing with the levels that will be in it and the bosses we shall be facing, you think that it couldn’t get any better…..well how does unlocking the game that started it all sound?
Yes SEGA have said that the original Sonic The Hedgehog for the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis will be in Generations as a unlockable item, they did not say however how we are suppose to unlock the game or if it was going to be on the Consoles, PC & 3DS or just on the Consoles and PC only, so let’s just keep are fingers crossed that it’s going to be on all platforms.
Here is a news story from computerandvideogames.com (click on the link to view the original report):
As if Sonic Generations wasn’t already massaging your nostalgia gland enough, Sega has thrown in another retro treat in the form of the original Sonic game.
Sonic the Hedgehog will be included in full as an unlockable extra, Sega has confirmed.
It didn’t disclose exactly how it would be unlocked but with any luck it’ll simply be a case of finishing the main story mode.
It also didn’t say whether Sonic 1 will also be included in the 3DS version, but we’ve got our fingers crossed.
Sega confirmed last week that the 3DS version of Sonic Generations will be out on November 22 in US and Nov 25 in UK and Europe, which follows behind the November 1 release of the console and PC versions.
An awesome demo is live now on Xbox Live.
Sonic Generations will be out for 3DS on the 22nd November in the US and on the 25th November in Europe, and also on 360/PS3 and PC on the 1st November in the US and the 4th November in Europe.
Plus also if you haven’t downloaded the demo yet on 360 or PS3, be sure to get on and download it as you can play Green Hill Classic & Modern Version levels and they both look amazing. I hope that’s wet your appetite for Generations, I know it has for me. 😀