Sonic Team to Split from Sega?
Recently, due to a letdown in profits, Sega announced that it would divide itself into separate parts, ie one division devoted to hardware, another to the Internet, etc. Because of this, there have been some concerns flying about whether in house Sega first party developers would become more independent from the company, and instead become second party developers. AM2, makers of Sonic the Fighters, will be one of those development teams, but will Sonic Team as well?
Apparently, it appears that the team will become more independent from Sega, and instead be closer to CSK, the parent company of Sega. Sega will still get the ST games, and because CSK has more money to throw around for development, it will eventually mean better games.
So, is this good news? Yes, it is overall. But this still isn’t officially confirmed yet, and we will tell you when it is, if it ever is.