Sonic Team Could Develop for Other Platforms
Ladies and gentlemen, I am in utter shock. Why? Because if what I am about to tell you goes through, everything that is Sonic, potentially Sega, and even the Sonic community as we know it might change drastically.
Let’s flashback for a little bit: Sonic Team parted from Sega, and currently reports to its parent company CSK Enterprises. Up until this time, the Sonic Team developed for Sega platforms, and almost nothing more (Neo Geo Pocket Color).
Now, let’s go to today: In an interview with GameWeek, Yuji Naka went on record saying that it is possible the Team could develop for other platforms, meaning, well…let’s get to the quote, repeat, the quote:
My main focus is Dreamcast, but Sonic Team is separating from Sega, so anything is possible.
Did you read that? Okay, now read between the lines. This means that the team could develop for the Dolphin, the X-Box, or…the Playstation 2. This next quote pretty much reinforces that theory:
I do not think very highly of PlayStation 2. There have been many problems with it. With Dolphin and X-Box, however, there is a possibility. Who knows? If I did decide to do something outside of Dreamcast, I would be inclined to go in that direction, yes.
Anything is possible, because now, the Sonic Team is financially independent, along with the rest of CSK’s AM groups (Sonic Team will fall into AM8 come July.) We will keep you on top of this situation should anything happen.