Sonic Saga Returns to Comic Format, Artist John Fell Returns
Russell Blakley has E-Mailed me with a surprising change of developments on the fan project:
John Fell, the original artist for TSS issue #1 that left months ago to actively pursue his studies, has returned and we’ve both agreed to bring TSS back into the comics. There are allot of different reasons as to why we’re doing this, but here are the main two–number 1: engine is not even in BETA yet. The editor is only 65% completed too. And number 2: The programmer for the engine has told me he doesn’t know when it will be finished. So we feel it’s silly to wait months (possibly years) for this thing and do absolutely NOTHING. I mean how much work could we possibly get done without an engine?
Now this doesn’t mean we’re NEVER going to make a Sonic Saga RPG. When the software is ready, then we’ll start discussing a game adaptation again. Until then, TSS will be a comic.
For the latest developments on TSS, stay with us. Dash has not yet updated the official site yet with this info; when he does, hopefully more information will be given out.