Sonic Movie Passes $300 Million in Ticket Sales
It has finally happened: The Sonic movie has broken a critical barrier that, when all in the world returns to normal, should pave the way for its sequel.
Today, Box Office Mojo’s estimates show the movie moving past $300 million in global ticket sales. More than half of that revenue remains account for on the international side–and that’s with premieres in both Sonic’s home country of Japan, and the huge movie market of China, indefinitely postponed.
With the production budget estimated between $85-95 million, and a marketing budget still unknown, many industry observers believe the film had to hit in the neighborhood of $300 million to be considered profitable–and for a sequel to be viable.
While theaters in some countries have halted production either on government orders or corporate common sense to stop the spread of coronavirus, a large portion remain open. But many of March and April’s expected blockbuster premieres have been pushed back–including Paramount’s own A Quiet Place Part II–leaving Sonic among the only recent films still running.
There has been lots of chatter about a sequel, but no clear confirmation yet. We will pass along that confirmation the moment it happens.
And good thing, too, it didn’t come out a month later or it would have bombed like Onward is now. They already delayed its release as it was. With either a forced release in the midst of the coronavirus or another six month delay would have killed it and destroyed any chances of a sequel.
Yep. Sonic ran into theaters just fast enough to beat out the virus. All the things that went right for this film are really beginning to pile up!