Twinkle Park, Emerald Coast WR Competition Results
First, I’ll start with the final Big / Emerald Coast scores:
1 Darryl, Canada, 2770 (g)
2 JMC, Scotland, 2760
3 ICE-T, Japan, 2710
4 Taqwan, Japan, 2690
5 LAZ, UK, 2680
6 Lackidazial, US, 2660
7 Bee, US, 2620
8 Marcus, UK, 2620
9 FINFIN, Japan, 2620
Now to the more interesting part: Amy in Twinkle Park. These are insanely low times, and there just might be a reason why. There are as of 2:30 PM EST 1/31:
1 Flint Silvertree, US, 13.38 (s)
2 Josh Feinberg, US, 15.69
3 Kojiro Arigato, US, 19.56
4 Mitch, US, 20.51
5 Xtremity, US, 20.66
6 Darryl, Canada, 21.26
7 Danny Bell, UK, 22.06
8 Crimson Fury, Canada, 25.56
9 Mitch, US, 26.01
10 Sho Shinjo, US, 26.64
There are a lot of interesting theories on how these times were made, but one of the top ten said something about a boat ride. I decided to look into this. When you spring out of the first pond, above you is a boat ride. Apparently, the boat is a major shortcut. This is only a theory, though, so stay with us for the latest.