SegaNet: Only 150 Hours a Month?
We have a final word-Sega is saying that the $21.95 charge will cover unlimited use. And that is the decision, hopefully silencing the rumors that have come out of this.
5/18: New information has just been released to the public–Sega has responded to a DCTP forumer about SegaNet only carrying 150 hours for the $21.95 monthly charge. Sega is claiming that the news about the 150 hours a month is simply a rumor. However, MSNBC (which, we should tell you, is partially owned by Microsoft), says that this is not true. Hopefully an actual official word will be released soon.
5/17: Look what was just found: A hot rumor is floating stating that SegaNet, Sega.Com‘s new ISP, would charge $21.95 a month…for 150 hours. Obviously this isn’t such a big deal for people not so heavily reliable on the Internet, but for people who linger on it, download MP3s and the like, this could be a major setback.
Opinions range from being somewhat concerned to some considering not switching ISPs now. Here’s Edf91 of DCTP, the person who posted the story:
Just finished browsing through the Sega Dreamcast newsgroup, it seems that one of the “hotter” topics is whether‘s Internet service would only comes with 150 hours of Internet access. I don’t remember seeing any major discussion on the board, so I thought I might put my 2 cents on it….
Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t remember seeing any ISP, other than broadband services or Internet service for businesses, that charges more than $20 a month without giving its user unlimited Internet access. I know that most people wouldn’t use up all 150 hours each month, but if more than 1 person uses the same account, it’s more than likely to use up the time sometimes. With ISP being so competitive, nobody will charge more than $20 a month without giving Internet access and more than 1 possible e-mail box, and maybe extra services, like being able to check e-mail via web browser, homepage space, etc.
I don’t know what Sega is thinking. Why would they do that? As somebody has point out in the newsgroup discussion, people would feel more comfortable knowing that they can stay online all the time once in a while without having to pay extra for it. If the mp3 VMU came out later in the year, people would spend more time online to download those mp3s. I know Sega is aiming mostly toward new users (most likely kids), who probably never spend much time online before. If I were planning on switching ISP (I won’t, since I am too “attached” to my e-mail address I have been using for the past 4 years, not to mention AT&T’s steady service), I would be really disappointed because I spend a LOT of time online. I was wondering if I am alone on this thought – what if people, who didn’t read carefully about how many hours Sega offers, assuming they would offer unlimited access, sign on and find out that it only came with 150 hours of access? If people complain about it, it would seriously damage the reputation of Sega….
ChumsGum: This could be a major blunder for SEGA. I know most people don’t use more than 5 hours a day, but having unlimited service gives people peace of mind. Can someone put up those SEGA email addresses where we can flood SEGA’s mailboxes with our displeasure?…We will need unlimited hours for one reason…PHANTASY STAR ONLINE. I am prepared to live in the Phantasy Star universe once that game is released and I’m sure many of you will do the same. Now what was SEGA’s email address again?
Dural: Free ISP’s for my PC, and SegaNet for my DC gaming. 150 hours is plenty, if you see it that way.
SmiggyG: I’m paying $12.95/per month now for unlimited access and the service is pretty good. I never connect below 44000. Yet I still planned on going w/SegaNet for the rebate and the “high speed” gamming network. Now after hearing the SegaNet deal is only 150hrs./month, I’m having doubts that I will switch over.
I agree 150hrs. is a lot of hrs. but surfing the net like I do, and all the online games coming, Will that really be enough? Heck I’ll be spending A LOT of time w/NFL2K1, NBA2K1, PSO, and Quake3. Not to mention SEGA seems very serious that almost ALL future DC games will contain internet functions of some sort. So now that 150hrs. don’t seem like a lot of time to me.
Who really wants to have to worry about how long they’ve been on the net. Especially if your paying $21.95/month? Umm, Not me. So I really like to know what SEGA is thinking.
With cheaper ISP’s and free ISP’s out there, SEGA had better re-evaluate their decision if they want people to sign up w/SegaNet! Otherwise, they’re gonna tick a lot of people off and have very few people sign-up.
I know they think they can flash a $200 rebate in front of people and they’ll sign-up for anything. This may be true for some, but some of us who live from paycheck to paycheck aren’t that easily swayed. I want the best service and price for my buck. Yes I’d pay more per month if I get unlimited access (like most of us do now) and a low-lag gamming network. But otherwise, I’ll be hesitant to say the least.
C’mon SEGA don’t screw up a good thing!
And if you want your voice to be heard, here are some E-Mail addresses for you: , , and This could seriously impact Sega’s Internet plan if this indeed happens, so we all need to make sure that it doesn’t.