SEGA To Actually Tell Us Something. Thursday… Maybe. (UPDATED)
SEGA’s Sonic-related social media accounts (well, most of them) kicked Sonic fans into a high state of alert earlier today as they announced via Facebook and Twitter there would be an important update coming very soon.
“There’s something big coming this week to the Sonic Facebook page”
Was quickly followed up by more exact information:
“Sonic’s 20th Anniversary is this year, but SEGA start celebrating on 7th April and you’ll only find out how on the Sonic Facebook page!”
Whilst the announcement (yes, of an announcement) in itself is… pretty lame, it does look like Thursday we’re finally going to get some sort of information regarding SEGA’s all too quiet plans for the 20th anniversary. Seriously what exactly have they said about this rather important year yet except acknowledging it?
It could be a game, it could be an event, it could be a cheese sandwich for all we know but it could very well prove to be the announcement, at last, of the 20th anniversary Sonic title rumoured to be called “Sonic Generations” after the name was mentioned in Spanish magazine Hobby Consolas and as made public by Spanish site Sonic Paradise. Whatever it is it better be GOOD.
Interesting fact: if it is revealed to be that this title is indeed Sonic Generations it will be the second time in recent memory that a Sonic game announcement has been spoiled by a Spanish magazine, after Nintendo Acción’s “coming next month” teaser image managed to spoil the reveal of Mario & Sonic At The Olympic Winter Games.
SEGA have just announced via the SEGA Twitter that the update will be a brand new trailer and will only be available via the Sonic Facebook group – this is… curious. Only on Facebook? So will it not be on the two highly popular SEGA Europe and SEGA America YouTube accounts?
Why? I’m starting to get a suspicion as to the reasons it’s on there specifically… but we’ll see. We’ve asked and if we don’t find out we will tomorrow.
SONIC 20TH ANNIVERSARY WOOT!!!!!!!!!! (11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111)
can’t wait!