Sega of Japan to Begin “Sonic Station” Monthly Livestreams
In the spirit of the series which started in the West with Aaron Webber and Sega of America, the company’s allies in Japan will now have a Sonic livestream to call their own.
Dubbed Sonic Station Live! , the YouTube stream will be fired up on the 20th of each month this year. It is part of Sega of Japan’s efforts to reveal new Sonic information on each of those days throughout 2020. The stream will begin at 6PM Japan time–quite early in the morning in much of the Western world–and a link is available here if you want to bookmark it .
The first edition, and perhaps subsequent editions if the Tweet below is to be believed, will be presented by Jun Senoue and Kazuyuki Hoshino. Questions are also being taken for the stream, and it would appear they’re open to having a few in English .