Sega Blog Returns, Minus Sonic City Blognik
Well after an attack on its Sega Pass service forced the near entire shutdown of Sega’s social media services, the last piece of the puzzle returned online Monday: The Sega blogs.
Actually, the Sega blog is the more correct term now, as a merge comes with the grand re-opening that swallowed in the process every side space that existed before the attack. That included the separate Sega Europe blog, and of more importance, the Sonic City Blognik.
“I see some of you Sonic fans out there with pouty faces, because you enjoyed reading a blog that was only about Sonic and not our other titles,” said community manager Kellie Parker in the re-opening entry. “Well, first of all, I would suggest that you give reading our entire blog a chance, because you might find something that you really like.”
Then, likely realizing these are Sonic fans, after all, Parker quickly pointed out that the original blog link will now point users to an aggregate website that compiles all Sonic news from the blog, past and present, into one convenient location. To be fair, though, the Blognik was neglected tremendously since the departure of Kevin Eva from Sega Europe.
Other improvements to the website include a Twitter feed, Facebook “like” widget, and a feed for the company’s Flickr feed.