SAGE 2018 Booth Overviews: Set 12
Every day of SAGE, TSSZ will give you brief overviews of each booth’s amazing community content. Be sure to check back during the expo for more, and look out for Ryan Bloom giving each work a separate mini-review! You can play all games featured by heading to SAGE and clicking on the Games tab.
Super Glovekid
One of many original titles at SAGE, this game tells the tale of Glovekid and Glovegirl as they traverse an originally drawn pixel art landscape. Each playable character has his or her own special move, and the game’s visual style hearkens back to a simpler time in the early 90s, when shareware games on floppy disks ruled the land.
Super Mario Kart in Sonic Mania
Another Sonic Mania mod takes advantage of the core game’s unique capabilities by inserting many of the original tracks from Super Mario Kart into the game’s special stages. All five good boys can try out the six classic tracks–there are even some Mario enemy cameos to avoid! A time attack mode is also included.
Sonic Adventure SX
Billed as a crossover between the Sonic and Shantae franchise, SX features four playable stages at SAGE, with eight characters to explore with. Other features include a couple mini-games, a ranking system, super forms. It’s a heavy effort for the more than 18 months this title has been in development.