SA2: Concrete Information
Well, apparently, GameSpot was indeed right. Sega’s VP of Marketing, Peter Moore, has given details on Sega’s E3 lineup:
In a conversation with Game Business, Mr. Moore said Sonic Adventure 2 would be unveiled at the May Show. Furthermore, NFL2K1, Space Channel 5, Seaman, and Jet Set Radio would also be making appearances.
Mr. Moore went on to say that the company would not just be stopping at games. A series of peripherals would also be shown. Including the Dreamcast’s cable modem and a MP3 Player that we believe is the special VMU already announced. He also said that more of the company’s networking plans would be revealed.
In closing Mr. Moore said, “Our booth was jam-packed with more than 40 quality games. You can expect to see even more this year.”
But that’s not all. You see, we have learned that Mr. Moore actually said something along the lines of Sonic the Hedgehog titles. And if you remember English class, that’s plural, and Sonic Team does have something big up their sleeves. Stay tuned to the Sonic Scene for the latest information.