RUMOR: New Character Now a Main Sonic Boom Character?
The official drought of Sonic Boom information continues, but it hasn’t stopped a surge of speculation that began this morning, when community scener Tom Skeys posted to Twitter this image:
Holy crap -Marine from Sonic Rush Adventure is IN SONIC BOOM?!?!?!! pic.twitter.com/3ttaKlVFjH
— Tom Skeys (@SilverTom_9) May 14, 2014
What appears to be a new character can be seen in artwork that, at this time, is unknown whether to be official or not, or if official, whether it relates to the game or the TV series.
In response to follow-up remarks, Skeys concedes he does not know the original source of the image:
@indigodude101 not sure exactly where the original image was from, but many people have been reporting it around Instagram and Twitter.
— Tom Skeys (@SilverTom_9) May 14, 2014
Community sceners have speculated that the new character could be a redesigned Marine the Raccoon, last seen in Sonic Rush Adventure a form of which is believed to have been seen in early concept art spotted in the background of interviews with BigRedButton personnel. Others have noted significant changes to the character to make it otherwise indistinguishable to Marine as we currently know her–though, to be fair, the main cast has received significant design changes in Boom as well.
Stephen Frost, who yesterday addressed concerns with Boom‘s recent information drought, has not yet commented publicly on this recent discovery. However, Mike Pollock, a part of the Sonic Boom VA cast, has been spotted posting hints that allude to the idea nobody new is joining the cast.
Pollock, working both the game and TV side, would know, at least in the capacity of whether this new character will have a speaking role. That certainly gives credence to the idea this could be fan art, or something not official. With E3 a few weeks away, how this image emerges bears watching, but for the moment, we’re labeling it RUMOR, and we’re leaning toward hoax on the idea of it being Marine proper.
They seem to like Amy’s “lets f***” look.
I get the feeling that look keeps popping up in the art because they want to target a certain demographic ugh…
Or it’s fan art doing what fan art does. Some fan artists have… interesting ideas.
It would take some serious talent to make fanart like that, they would either have to be a master at faking CG style art or they made their own model of the Marine based off a lone piece of concept art along with the rest of the characters.
There’s some pretty amazing fan art if you know where to look. And don’t forget, Archie commissioned Rafa Knight based on the quality of her renders.
Who doesn’t? 😀
Even then it clearly looks off
While what was posted is a dead on match for the actual style
But really this entire argument is based around you acting like that hasn’t been Amy’s default look in just about every piece of art they’ve put out so far.
Even then it clearly looks off
While what was posted is a dead on match for the actual style
But really this entire argument is based around you acting like that hasn’t been Amy’s default look in just about every piece of art they’ve put out so far.
Looks pretty damn official to me.
Just gonna say it here and now, Amy’s face expression is just plain stupid. Gotta say I like what they’re doing with Tails, though.
Sonic and Knuckles look ok, they’re still growing on me. Marine, (if that is Marine) looks flat-out bada$$.
Does anyone notice that Sonic’s scarf is RED and not BROWN?
That could easily be because of the low quality shot taken in bad lighting.
If it does end up being Marine, it’d be nice to see how they spin her.
If it’s not Marine then why bother making a new character when you just end up making Marine!? That’s like Nintendo trying to make a a new character for the Mario series and ending up with Fortran. XP
But isn’t Marine a racoon? And this new character doesn’t have a raccon tail, just look at this piece of artwork of her alone:
Sorry, wrong image, I meant this:
Hated Marine in SRA, but if they can make her enjoyable here, welcome to have her make a return. If it isn’t her, I’m calling her Marine away.
Tails and Sonic look great/fine. Knuckles expression says “I’m wasted…” and Amy looks drunk and horny at the same time.
Weird as hell.
Mike has said no such thing, since I’m not authorized to confirm or deny. But I can educate. The Odd Couple – Assume: http://youtu.be/LfvTwv5o1Qs
I’m sure this has to be one of your nefarious plans Eggman!
Well played Eggman… Well played.
EGGMAN thats what i am. I am the EGGMAN!
BTW I love the way Sonic looks in this promo art, he has that attitude expression that I felt missing in other Sonic Boom artwork and even in the TV series trailer.
Agreed, this is the first time I have seen ‘Boom’ Sonic and actually liked him. Now I just have to hope they improve the character models from that trailer!
There won’t be any changes to the character models at this stage; the game’s probably about 90% complete, with the TV show not that far behind. Changing the models (beyond a few cosmetic tweaks) would mean having to redo a lot of work like level design and animation scripts, which would delay everything enough to miss the holiday season.
Yeah the Generations mod scene was killed after finding out that swapping out Sonic’s model for Busby would break the levels.
What have Generations mods (made by fans without deadlines after the original game was released) got to do with anything?
Your idea that changing a character model would require alerting actual level design, if it did require any changing it would be to animations for object interactions if they changed the proportions and skeletons of the characters but making the models look closer to that CG wouldn’t require that because that comes down mostly to textures and shading.
It’s routine for games especially those from western studios and the age of DLC we live in to feature alternate models and skins, they never break anything because they are built around the same skeleton of the original one.
I guess if you mean just slimming Knux and/or tweaking textures, then fair enough that’s not so bad. As you say, the rework there is far less.
However, anything more dramatic could require some level redesign, depending on just how drastic the characters’ changes.
Still, the designs won’t change in any meaningful manner at this late stage, save for a few minor refinements. The focus now will be on finishing the last pieces of the game and conducting extensive playtesting.
You should really stop saying level design when what you mean to say is animations.
Few games are anywhere near finished when they are 6 months or so out from release, that is actually the time when they are working the hardest on it and when they actually make the most radical last minute changes. Sonic Generations had pretty huge changes from the demo they had at E3 and 20th anniversary to the final game, Classic’s jumping physics were changed and made less laggy and stopped the one button spindash from being spammed by cycling between it and braking.
If I say level design, it’s because I mean level design.
Well, the only thing I don’t like about the character models in-game, are that their faces are just plain derpy. I don’t think making their faces better will cause any problems, but idk. I don’t know anything about this kind of stuff.
It’s by whoever does the CG art in SOJ, that’s why it looks similar to the stuff they did for Generations and actually has the sidemouth, the show and game each have different looking models and use the bad looking centered mouth. They don’t seem to care about keeping anything on model for Boom.
Yeah it’s just the derby faces I’m not keen on, other than that I think the game looks great, but I’ll reserve judgement on gameplay till I have seen more footage.
If it’s SoJ who made the image like you said then that’s probably why I like them more than all the other Sonic Boom images so far. This is definitely the only time I have looked at ‘Boom’ Sonic and liked his design. I have no problem with the Tails, Knuckles and Amy redesigns if I am honest
Well, assuming (don’t kill me Mike) this is official, I wouldn’t mind being able to play as that character. She looks pretty cool, and it’d be nice to have a new character (if it isn’t Marine).
Jesus it looks like she’s got sports tape too.. .-.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Mobians, man…
She looks like… Some sort of… I can’t even place my finger on it, but it’s not really a raccoon, at least, from a mobian point of view of course. Amy looks totally EPIC, to be honest, I like where they’re going with her character. How she should’ve been all along in my opinion. I like Knuckles’ design better rendered, doesn’t mean it’s the best, but it’s better. Would love to see where this originated from, but God knows that’d take forever to find out.
Like how they’re still keeping the looly loops:)
Ian Flynn’s fantasy come true!
The prospect of a playable (and important) Marine makes me way happier than it should, that they didn’t ditch Tails for it even more so. This might even be hinting at 5 player co-op rather than just 4. Don’t hype me up so much right before E3 guys.
I’m not really sure what to think of this. It breaks several “Is this rumor true?” rules, like being at an awkward angle and having a new character reveal, but if it is a hoax, it’s exceptionally well done. The background art could easily be fan-made, but the character designs look legitimate. Having a 3D image of Marine, plus poses from the others that as far as I know haven’t been shown before.
I want to believe this is real, but I can’t tell if it is or not.
Again, if it’s Marine, then where’s the raccoon tail? And if it is, then why introduce a minor character of the Sol Dimension before a key character like Blaze? That’s like introducing Axl before X in a Megaman X series reboot.
I am interested in this new character, but I doubt she’ll be Marine, I imagine they’d go more with Marine’s water based style in Rush Adventure and make her some kinda pirate or captain
I’m calling this now. Most Sonic characters are in Sonic Boom and it works with Skylander style toys. Thus why we’ve seen so little gameplay, they don’t want to give it away.
Just so everyone knows. This is totally just a guess. I have no proof of anything.
Everyone is just guessing, and that’s when people end up with egg on their face, as it were.
Yeah no kidding.
Also, for some reason, when I see those 5, I somehow think of Power Rangers. Something like this…
Knuckles: MASTODON!
New character: SABER-TOOTH TIGER!
I don’t make that mistake again.
That would mean the reboot story we wrote in 2011 and everyone laughed at panned out.
That should be good to watch.
Well the reboot in 2014 was correct I won’t speculate on the rest of it. It’s crazy how much traction that conversation got on twitter though. I have never had anything I said on twitter get more then 3 or so favorites/retweets. But tons of people have replied/favorited/retweeted posts related to it. Sadly it’s all been better negative. I guess you really have to watch what you say on twitter.
Oh gosh. 16 years. 16 years we ( Maybe not ALL ) expected this. A new main character. My life is accomplished.
I do hope more characters to come to Sonic Boom nomater if its Marine, Cream, Shadow, Silver, Blaze, Omega, Rouge, Chip, any of them.
Oh great another new sonic character, just what we need. It’s not like we already have 5.4 billion to choose from or anything.
I don’t think theres that many Sonic Characters. Pokemon on the other hand…
Yeah well true I guess, Pokemon does have more characters. However Sonic has also has the same problem, in that it has way more characters than necessary. Why not, instead of making new characters giving Fang a shot? Or Bean, or Mighty or even Big, you know someone?
Sonic has more forgotten and unused characters than a child has forgotten toys and it’s annoying that they keep pushing in even more unnesecarry characters over and over again (and then they will also eventually also be forgotten too *cough*Chip,Marine,Emerl*Cough*)
In short, use the old and barely used characters instead of filling up the already unnesecarily gigantic cast with more useless characters.
Well you are a fan of Marvel comics, you should now they could have a lot of characters as long as they’re good characters and they can handle them well.
I don’t mind new characters as long as they’re good, original and appealing like Blaze the Cat, but I would hate another cliched, redundant and lazy character as Silver.
Cliched I’ll give you, even lazy, but Silver is anything but redundant. There is no other psychic in the series thus far. If anything Blaze is more redundant being both a (hinted, though one-sided) love interest and an Emerald Guardian who prefers to work alone.
But she is the only pyrokinetic around
“Pokemon does have more characters” A LOT more characters if you ask me. not just humans but the Pokemon as well.
but yeah i feel some of the sonic characters are “forgotten” like Chaos, Cheese’s Bro, Werehog, Gamma, Shade, even Maria is being left behind.
This might not be a new character though. It could be a significant redesign of Marine. Yes, she looks nothing like a raccoon but she has a boomerang, clearly a reference to a Downunder origin. Not only is Marine the only Austalian of the series but also this character looks a little like her, maybe a bit aged with thicker hair but he similarities are there.
The oldest boomerang discovered was found in Poland.
It’s obviously Marine. She has a freaking boomerang in her hand. What more proof do you need?
How about a freaking raccoon tail? Or the fact that she is supposed to have water powers or be a wanna-be captain? You have played Sonic Rush Adventure right?
Water powers is speculation, there’s been no official confirmation that’s what it was that she threw. It sounded like it was something hard/dense to me, not water-like at all. I personally like to believe she’s so inexperienced with her powers, so young, that her power is “colorless” and has yet to take on an element.
True, but with her name being Marine and sea-faring being such a big part of her character, hydrokinesis is a pretty safe bet for her to eventually learn later on. Also, I really like that idea of her powers being under-developed like that.
But still, these elements are missing from this character that everyone is claiming to be “Marine”, heck, we don’t even know if she’ll even speak in an a heavy Australian accent like Marine’s in Rush Adventure.
Why do you think she has water powers? I played Sonic Rush Adventure but I never saw any water powers, do you mean the stone she throws near the end?
But it would be coul though, that’s a power nobody has (except Chaos I think), also Marine personality already contrasts with Blaze’s, and her powers would also contrast with hers as well.
How was that a stone? It looked more like some kinda energy blast or something than a rock.
In the script says is a stone. This is only speculation on my part but I think they made the stone shinny so when Marine throws it it wouldn’t get lost with the chaotic background (you know, Nintendo DS graphics and all).
@ Raw
If it’s a stone then what’s the deal with the energy aura coming from her hand in this screenshot?
I can think of seven coloured stones that can emit energy auras… and an eighth that’s bigger 😛
I just told you! Also think about this; Super Sonic, Burning Blaze and Tails watched her doing this, if it was a new, unseen special ability how is that nobody made a single comment about it after it happened?
@ Raw
Then why does the energy aura stay in her hand if it’s just a shiny stone?
And characters have get powers all the time, heck, Amy even had invisibility in 06 and no-one ever commented on that in the game.
I doubt she tossed a Chaos Emerald or something like that, they were currently in use by Super Sonic.
Never said it was an Emerald
Well, Amy’s invincibility was never part of a cinematic, in other words it was never essential to the story and I just assume that Marine just have another stone in her hand but they wanted to give it the same look as the other thrown.
But honestly is all speculation on my part, you could be right but I still think is strange her powers came from nowhere (at least it could have been the Legendary Jeweled Scepter wich gave her powers), but I think is even stranger that none of the other characters commented anything about it, not even in the Archie comics where they have the chance to explore Marine in more depth. Perhaps someone at Dimps just wanted to troll us with that cinematic, I don’t know.
In all honeslty I think it would be great if she had powers, specially manipulating the water.
@ Raw
Does seem plausable that the Scepter somehow unlocked her powers a bit when she snagged it. I have no idea why no-one has even commented on the powers, maybe they wanted to save that for a 3rd Rush installment? I wish they could do that.
Yeah, I hope they release it one day and explain that, I love that series too much!
Honestly before Sonic Boom was unveiled I thought the third Nintendo exclusive could be Sonic Rush 3DS, unfortunately it seems that since Sonic Colors Sega wants to force a handheld version of every new Sonic console game, and the saddest thing is that it looks like Dimps games quality began to diminish since they started doing this.
@ Raw
Ditto, I had so much hopes on it being the 3rd exclusive as well, especially since the consept of Blaze and Sonic’s gameplay styles from Rush in 3D would just be a dream come true.
I have an electric bass, but that doesn’t make me Paul McCartney 😛