PUMA Not Making Movie Sonic Shoes Despite Teaser Video
A teaser video posted Wednesday on the Instagram account of designer apparel maker PUMA had much of the community wondering if Sonic’s signature shoes that he wears in the upcoming Sonic movie–and just about everywhere else–would be manufactured and go on sale to the public.
The teaser is convincing: the shoes rest on top of a PUMA branded box, and the company has already produced many Sonic-branded sneakers with wild designs. Many fans took that alone as confirmation they would be wearing Sonic’s shoes in due course.
The problem is, for the moment, that’s not true. PUMA’s social media team dismissed the possibility in response to comments made about it on another video posted to the account:
Saying that Sonic’s shoes are “just for him,” the better bet may be to just purchase the $120 sneakers PUMA already has posted for sale now.
Ugh. This is so annoying. Must be some kinda SEGA mandate that Sonic’s shoes never be sold or something. Otherwise IDK why the company would make Sonic-branded shoes, have Sonic wearing Puma shoes in the movie… and then not release the stinkin’ shoes Sonic is wearing in the movie. So dumb.
Tsk tsk, too bad Puma. Could’ve made a lot of ummmm wusattgreenstuffcalledagainohyeah MONEY. Lots of fuggin MONEY. I’d have bought a pair.