Nintendo Channel Interviews Takashi Iizuka, Go Turn On Your Wii
I have to say I’m a little disappointed in the other sites, you know THOSE guys. How have they not spotted this with their vast array of spotters and writers? *Tuts in mock disappointment.* Well whatever the case Nintendo Channel (which is a free channel you can get if you own a Wii funnily enough) do regular “Nintendo TV” spots powered such as it is by the Official Nintendo magazine. In a very unusual turn of events the entire four minute plus video, which updates every Friday, is given over to Sonic. A testament perhaps to his strength on the Nintendo platforms.
Iizuka-san discusses several things that will likely be familiar to you all by now, including how the Colours powers came about and also acknowledging that Sonic Team is always keen to keep up with current gamer trends. They also give a brief preview of Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1, which might interest you.
We actually have the interview, which was recorded at the recent “SEGA Unfold” event in London (at which muggins here was demoing Sonic 4) but Ninty are keen that it not go up on YouTube etc from what I gather well at least not yet anyway (i.e. its getting taken down) so you’ll have to get the Nintendo Channel and see it for yourselves.
This is what you were referring to on Twitter then. I saw it on Friday when it was posted, but I didn’t post it on TSS because there’s nothing new revealed. It’s a good watch, don’t get me wrong. I think it’s awesome they acknowledged Sonic in an episode 🙂 By the way, do you know what ever happened to Nintendo’s SoS coverage they recorded?
No idea……