NiGHTS (Flag)Pole Dances Into ASR
That’s right, apparently NiGHTS has snuck into ASR after all, but alas not as a playable character. Eagle-eyed peeps over at the SSMB noticed that in yesterdays American ASR video on Yahoo NiGHTS appeared as the flag waver (top left).
“Cheats will have their heads Du-al-ize-UH-ed with this flagpole, K?.”
Obviously it seems the #DontForgetNiGHTS campaign has been at least a partial success – well done TRiPPY and DiGi! Whether DLC NiGHTS will occur is still up in the air it seems, but then again so is NiGHTS apparently…
I’m no expert but I’d be willing to bet any future news on this development will occur over at NiGHTSintoDreams.com, so keep an eye out over there!