New Sonic Movie Creative Debuts at Comic Con Experience in Brazil
Today is the first official day of Comic Con Experience, a Sao Paulo-based pop culture convention not unlike those hundreds of thousands flock to every year in the United States and elsewhere. In fact, it’s the largest convention of its kind in the world. More than a quarter of a million attendees were counted last year.
That’s likely why major movie studios and entertainment companies give it such attention. Paramount is no different.
The studio has an elaborate setup on the show floor for attendees, including an array of commissioned posters from a variety of artists on display. It’s unclear whether any of them are for sale. There are also treadmills set up to challenge Sonic to a race. Attendees can also pass through the rings that, in this film, are used as warp points between Sonic’s world and ours–it even appears those interested can get their hair dyed blue if desired.
Perhaps the most intriguing component of the experience Paramount appears to have set up, however, is an augmented reality edition of the movie Sonic, complete with a 3D model, that attendees can “catch” on their cell phone. It makes one wonder if there’s some truth to earlier rumors that Sega may have a tie-in mobile game planned around the release of the movie.
We will keep you informed of any major movie developments to come out of CCXP.