New Sonic Fan Game with New Engine Coming
CiM Shiny posted some info on the Message Board concerning a new Sonic game in the works. Here is some of the info he posted:
Me and a few others have started developing a new DirectX Sonic Game engine in Visual Basic. I know, everyone thinks that VB is no good for games, but if you’re a good programmer, it IS. The DirectX 7 SDK is officially supported in VB, which allows me to use DirectDraw and DirectSound to draw bitmaps and play sounds directly from the Sound/Video cards.
The only reason this game will be any different than any other game will be three reasons:
A. We’re making our own engine, instead of using CNC, KNP, or modifying the doom engine.
B. Anyone will be able to create their own games and levels using our embedded libraries of sprites, backgrounds, and sounds.
C. It will use DirectX, allowing panned 3D sound.
This seems good from preliminary plans, so we’ll see what happens with progress of this game.