First @ TSSZ: Howard Drossin at SAGE Chat Tonight
We got this news just minutes ago–official word that Howard Drossin, best known for composing classic Sonic tunes in Sonic Spinball among other games–will be chatting it up at SAGE later tonight. You may also remember a rare and in part Drossin-composed soundtrack called Sonic Boom, which featured extended versions of tunes from Sonic CD and Sonic Spinball.
The chat will take place at midnight, eastern time, and it may be an opportunity for the community to ask about some of the most sought after information from the early Sonic era, such as why the decision was made to revise Sonic CD’s soundtrack for America (he was around during the era), or the extent of former pop sensation Michael Jackson’s involvement with the soundtrack to Sonic 3.
TSSZ News will have coverage of the chat tonight, even in its late hour.