First Screenshots of Wreck-It Ralph in ASR Transformed Released
On Friday night, Sega made official Ralph Reilly’s addition as a playable character in Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. On Saturday, those who didn’t catch the news were informed via Sega’s blog post about it.
The post contains quotable quotes from Sega of America’s Masanao Maeda and Wreck-it Ralph‘s film director Rich Moore, but it also contains clean screenshots of Ralph and his three vehicles in-game for the first time. It’s an interesting move by Sega, especially since no media has been released of NiGHTS or Reala in-game since they were officially announced at Summer of Sonic last week.
You can see those shots of Ralph in 720P HD via our updated gallery below. Now, there are no more tiny thumbnail screenshots on the click-through! You’ll get a much larger image to see before having the option of clicking for the full resolution image. We know this has been a long time coming for many of you, and we appreciate your patience as we dug our heels in deep to figure this out.
This is pretty cool. Very nice promotion for the movie, which in turn promotes Sonic and Dr. Eggman.
Also, inb4 Wanderer Fox throws a bitchfit
Way to go, Disney! WAY TO GO!
Jesus Christ, his hands… XD
You know, this makes perfect sense, considering the story of the movie.
wow….. now im interested…
Thank you, Tristan. 🙂 I’m sure many other fans also appreciate the bigger and more see-able screens! 🙂 now I’ll never need to click twice again! >:D
Sonic and Disney should never never never never cross over with each other. That is not acceptable and they’re not made for each other. I still can’t believe that SEGA would ever ever allow Disney to use their characters and vice versa. That has got to be the worst decisions ever made. It really hurt my feelings. As someone who dislikes the corporate behemoth known as the Walt Disney Company as well as it’s entire Animated Features Canon, and as someone who is a fan of SEGA games, I’m mad, upset and repulsed. I can’t believe that an abomination like this would ever happen. If a Non-SEGA character from a company I so to god hate to death really shows up in the game (like it already happened here), then I pray that it is only DLC-exclusive or something that can’t be unlocked easily or normally. If not, I am not going to buy this game at all if this Ralph sucker is in every version of the game (I play as Tails in case you are wandering who I use. But I may have to stick to the original Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing if things don’t go too well with this one).
At least it’s not Simba, nor is it Sora, thank the heavens. But this news still bothers me, regardless. Hope that there will be a Non-Disney character as a third-party guest as well to make up for it (I am hoping for Fox McCloud as the Nintendo systems’ exclusive character, but that’s just me).
I just don’t know what to think of the future of the series, anymore.
Guest characters are fine, but it would be better if they just limit to characters that actually originated from a video game first (Kind-of like what happened with Super Smash Bros. Brawl). At least Banjo and Kazooie rocked in the X-Box 360 version of the first Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing.
And again, Disney is nothing but pure corrupted evil scum nowadays. I have no respect and no heart for Disney whatsoever. I wish commercial failure on them and I hope that Wreck-It Ralph flops in the box office! They’ve been corrupting the entire animated side of pop culture for so long and it needs to stop! The “Disney is the greatest and most successful” curse shouldn’t happen to video games, too! Why can’t Non-Disney movies be more successful for a change? When did a Non-Disney animated movie kick a Disney movie’s butt? According to all the reviews that many professionals have written for movies, they think that Non-Disney movies completely suck and that they think Disney is way much better and can do no wrong, which is absurd and delusional. Not all Disney movies are perfect, and not all or top class (same goes for Non-Disney I’m afraid). Especially with all the stereotypes, historical inaccuracies, bad portrayals of certain animals, anime rip-offs, and controversies that the Walt Disney Company’s films are best known for. Not to mention all the shows and sitcoms on the Disney Channel that nobody cares about (shudder). I rather watch Kimba the White Lion instead of The Lion King. I rather watch Sonic X instead of Wreck-It Ralph. I rather watch sports or something instead of junk like High School Musical or whatever else is on the Disney Channel nowadays. And for the sake of Heaven, I rather play Sonic 2006 instead of the whole Kingdom Hearts series (People are going to whine, cuss and flame at me for saying that. Oh well). Reviews are just different opinions and that won’t stop many other people from liking or watching whatever Non-Disney movies that they want. Same with video games. I wish Disney would leave the iconic video game characters and companies a heck alone.
Want to know the sad thing? There are far more SEGA cameos in Wreck-It Ralph then there are of anything else the last time I checked. Especially considering from what I’ve known from the latest Comic-Con news, they tried to get the rights to Mario and Luigi (and other Nintendo characters) but didn’t have enough money to do so, meaning that Bowser is the only Nintendo character who is confirmed to cameo in the film. It gives me nightmares that one day Disney will acquire SEGA, just like they did with acquiring Marvel back in 2009 (I hope that will never come true, Sonic and SEGA must stay and remain as Non-Disney for the rest of their histories. The same possibly should go for other companies, since I’m a Nintendo fan also).
And if you think about it, I’m not the one who’s whining, you all are. You whined and moaned at the fact that Sonic 4 used the modern design for Sonic (among other things in the series before 2012) while I was calm, understanding, respectful and civilized about it. It seems that the Sonic fandom reached an all-time low with this deal with Disney, and I can’t see Sonic the same way as I did before because of all of these bad things that are happening.
I’m not a freaking’ troll, people. I’m a nice folk just like most people are (You just don’t know me). And if you would really excuse me, I’m going to leave TSSZ and not post here ever again, knowing that I don’t look at your replies to mine since I prefer to avoid what I won’t like and move on. I’m sure you’re sick and tired of my ranting and raving, but all I was trying to do is to protect SEGA from ever ever being acquired by Disney in the future. As you can tell, I don’t support greedy corporate behemoths who try to acquire everything they see (Microsoft, on the other hand, is okay, since they’re the ones who made most of our computers after all. Same goes for Apple. It’s just that piece of garbage Walt Disney Company that’s a corrupted mess who wants to buy everything they see and make them join their empire). I’m not trying to cause any problems or trouble, I just wanted to express my opinions in order to keep them strong enough that they’re listened (I know not everyone is going to listen to me, but you’ll have to be aware that not everyone is going to disagree, either. Each individual have different views and not everyone is the same no matter how much you whine at me). Farewell, everyone.
@Wanderer Fox
You do realize he’s just an optional playable character out of a cast of 27, right?
^ Although I don’t believe you’ll be seeing this, I can see where you’re coming from and respect all that you’re saying.
On another note, I’m anticipating seeing what his All-Star move is. I’m assuming that it’ll be something related to the movie, I guess.
His All Star Move will have him yell “I’M GONNA WRECK IT!!!!!” And then he proceeds to dash while wrecking every other driver on the track that gets in his way. CALLING IT RIGHT HERE!
@Wanderer Fox
That is definitely the longest comment I have ever seen MIND=BLOWN
Lol, so much butt hurt in one post.
Guy with the eight paragraphs, although i might agree with some parts you said, settle down. XD …Christ
“And if you would really excuse me, I’m going to leave TSSZ and not post here ever again, knowing that I don’t look at your replies to mine since I prefer to avoid what I won’t like and move on.”
And nothing of value was lost of your departure, especially considering that all you did was just shove your “BAWWWW DISNEY IS THE DEVIL BAWWWWW” propaganda down our throats in your walls of text.
Good. Riddance.
He’ll be back. These people usually find something to complain about. Much like the typical Sonic fanatic attitude.
Then comes back to play a new Sonic game when that releases.
….I would read his post but that’s the longest I ever seen, in that case what’s the summary of his rant?
ahahahahaha -facepalm-
This is really good for both disney and sega
The game will make people see the movie and the movie will make people buy the game
@wanderer fox
Hey Wanderer. When you come back until a new IP for the second time, choose a name that doesn’t end in Fox.
I know you’re reading this, as well.
I can’t believe there are already people complaining about this. This is Sega’s way of paying Disney back for having Sonic and Dr. Eggman in the movie. Seriously calm down you need to learn how business works.
Also if you think about it this is why the game is called Sonc & All Stars Racing: Transformed instead of Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing: Transformed. Meaning for the extra playable character slots there could very well be other non Sega characters.
Man! I sure love that DISNEY is having a had at this here sonic/SEGA game, I mean WOW, who would’ve thought that the great DISNEY themselves being involved in a third party game! And that new DISNEY movie, Sonic having a PSA in a BIG DISNEY movie, who else wouldn’t like this DISNEY/SEGA relation. This is really gonna have that DISNEY MAGIC………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..DISNEY.
Wanderer Fox, please gonna to kill yourself 😀
He mentioned it at tops 5 TIMES. Go rip on Lucas again or something, at least he’s a recurring character. You people suck.
I got 2 words for this.
Mi Gusta
@ HeatPhoenix
He’s actually mentioned it a lot more than just five times. Not just under this name, but under the first one that he was IP banned from. Can’t quite recall what his last name was, but it ended in Fox as well. It was obviously the same person as well; utter despise for Disney all around, constantly mentioning the idea of Disney acquiring SEGA on articles about SEGA’s business doing badly, mentioning Tails as their favourite character, having a pissy attitude towards people’s thoughts on him…
So yeah, we have a right to get on his case when he’s being such an outrageous loony. He’s worse than Lucas has ever been… which is a pretty big achievement to beat, no less.
Hey wander fox, you know how many shits were given for your gigantic paragraph? None.
Well well well…someone got into my head and pissed with another one of my fantasies LMAO and Donna once said Oh you are kidding me! http://www.flickr.com/photos/76190326@N06/7575452920/
^ And going back for a sec, why would you think Sora would be in the game? He’s not completely owned by Disney, jackass. He’s a Square Enix character.
That was for Wanderer Fox, by the way.
@Wanderer Fox
@Wanderer Fox
So why is Disney the devil in your eyes again?
You spout at them for being corrupt, and I can’t agree nor disagree if you don’t say exactly why. So by all means, go for it.
…COOL STORY, BRO! Oh, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
You know….you guys are so busy ranting at Wander Fox that you’re not even talking about how Ralph looks in the game. Not that I’m siding with Wander Fox. I’m just saying no one is talking about the game.
@Tristan: errrr about Reala and Nights, well Nights is a vehicle (it was in an archived part of the sos live stream) Reala well I think she might be a vehicle too (not sure), there should be an article on the sonic stadium, that’s where I read it
@WandererFox – Yeah, because you boycotting the film and the game is really gonna make Disney bankrupt. Oh wait…
@sonicplayer They are both racers and vehicles, in the same spirit as Opa-Opa. Think of the Pian and Goodle like a Remoraid on a Mantine.
And yet, we haven’t seen ANY Danica Patrick images or footage.
Also, what’s Amy doing in the second image? Looks like she’s stretching…
Looks like we know why it’s not called Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing anymore. 😛
not gonna lie i don’t like Disney either… they are scums in my eyes as well. =/
but this isn’t the first time saga has been working with Disney!
aosth and a few Micky games…
If that was really true any of the moderators (Tristan, Louis, whoever else) would’ve grabbed him by the nads as soon as they noticed. They’re not stupid or blind and they’re reading these comments.
@HeatPhoenix: Ignoring the fact that Tristan hasn’t done much about this, it’s still obvious that this fool is V u l p i n e. Looking at a few of his sentences in that massive wall of text, it’s the same regurgitated crap he’s posted dozens of times before.
Time to take on this butthurt idiot once and for all:
Sonic and Disney should never never never never cross over with each other. That is not acceptable and they’re not made for each other. I still can’t believe that SEGA would ever ever allow Disney to use their characters and vice versa. That has got to be the worst decisions ever made. It really hurt my feelings.
They did it before, and they will again. What do Castle of Illusion and World of Illusion tell you?
At least it’s not Simba, nor is it Sora, thank the heavens.
Now it’s pretty obvious that your hate Kingdom Hearts simply because of your blind hate for Disney.
And again, Disney is nothing but pure corrupted evil scum nowadays. I have no respect and no heart for Disney whatsoever. I wish commercial failure on them and I hope that Wreck-It Ralph flops in the box office! They’ve been corrupting the entire animated side of pop culture for so long and it needs to stop! The “Disney is the greatest and most successful” curse shouldn’t happen to video games, too! Why can’t Non-Disney movies be more successful for a change? When did a Non-Disney animated movie kick a Disney movie’s butt? According to all the reviews that many professionals have written for movies, they think that Non-Disney movies completely suck and that they think Disney is way much better and can do no wrong, which is absurd and delusional. Not all Disney movies are perfect, and not all or top class (same goes for Non-Disney I’m afraid). Especially with all the stereotypes, historical inaccuracies, bad portrayals of certain animals, anime rip-offs, and controversies that the Walt Disney Company’s films are best known for. Not to mention all the shows and sitcoms on the Disney Channel that nobody cares about (shudder). I rather watch Kimba the White Lion instead of The Lion King. I rather watch Sonic X instead of Wreck-It Ralph. I rather watch sports or something instead of junk like High School Musical or whatever else is on the Disney Channel nowadays. And for the sake of Heaven, I rather play Sonic 2006 instead of the whole Kingdom Hearts series (People are going to whine, cuss and flame at me for saying that. Oh well). Reviews are just different opinions and that won’t stop many other people from liking or watching whatever Non-Disney movies that they want. Same with video games. I wish Disney would leave the iconic video game characters and companies a heck alone.
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW! MOAR BLIND HAET!!! Also, we all know that you love that mess of a game that is called Sonic 2006 more than anything else, thus making your pathetic argument invalid. You do have a point about HSM, but your whiny attitude outweighs everything else. Also, you’re butthurt because Disney is giving the blessing of recognition to game characters? Oh yeah, you hate Disney. BOO HOO!
It gives me nightmares that one day Disney will acquire SEGA, just like they did with acquiring Marvel back in 2009 (I hope that will never come true, Sonic and SEGA must stay and remain as Non-Disney for the rest of their histories. The same possibly should go for other companies, since I’m a Nintendo fan also).
So, by your always faulty logic, simply because game characters get their cameo in this movie means that Disney is going to acquire their owning companies sometime in the future? For the record, WB acquired Turner and its cable networks, The Mortal Kombat franchise (which turned out for the best), as well as DC. Microsoft bought Rare from Nintendo. What does that tell you? You also seem to forget (or just ignore) that Disney did the miracle of getting back the ownership of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit from Universal.
And if you think about it, I’m not the one who’s whining, you all are. You whined and moaned at the fact that Sonic 4 used the modern design for Sonic (among other things in the series before 2012) while I was calm, understanding, respectful and civilized about it. It seems that the Sonic fandom reached an all-time low with this deal with Disney, and I can’t see Sonic the same way as I did before because of all of these bad things that are happening.
I’m not a freaking’ troll, people. I’m a nice folk just like most people are (You just don’t know me).
We DO know you. We all know that you’re nothing but a deluded manchild.
And if you would really excuse me, I’m going to leave TSSZ and not post here ever again, knowing that I don’t look at your replies to mine since I prefer to avoid what I won’t like and move on.
In other words, you’ll run away like a coward to avoid being rightfully called out for your idiotic behavior? And we all know know you’ll never move on, because you hate being disciplined from being such a whiny crybaby.
As you can tell, I don’t support greedy corporate behemoths who try to acquire everything they see.
Never going to happen with Sega. Stop coming up with baseless conclusions. Also, Activision. Now THAT deserves hate, for different reasons… and Capcom, too.
Microsoft, on the other hand, is okay, since they’re the ones who made most of our computers after all. Same goes for Apple. It’s just that piece of garbage Walt Disney Company that’s a corrupted mess who wants to buy everything they see and make them join their empire).
Microsoft acquired Rare. Double standards much?
I’m not trying to cause any problems or trouble, I just wanted to express my opinions in order to keep them strong enough that they’re listened (I know not everyone is going to listen to me, but you’ll have to be aware that not everyone is going to disagree, either. Each individual have different views and not everyone is the same no matter how much you whine at me).
And you just caused problems again with your childish attitude. Stop deluding yourself. Face it, you’re just another black sheep in this community, and because of your childish, baseless, and biased “opinions”, no one is going to like you. Just look at your reputation level at The Sonic Stadium boards, and think about it. And looking back, you really deserved being called out by this banned user whose name ends with Warrior. You asked for it.
Farewell, everyone.
Farewell, V u l p i n e, and never come back.
PS: All this whining from WF, and he still doesn’t get a page in ED?
He’s pretty much the inverse.
WF doesn’t get an entry in ED because nobody cares about him. His idiotic rants are so inconsequential that no one will remember him tomorrow.
On topic: I think this is the coolest idea ever. I have the biggest soft spot for this cross-over stuff.
This is an amazing publicity stunt. When I saw Snake in Brawl I went out and played Metal Gear. So, now the Disney crowd will play this game and the Sega crowd will see Wreak it Ralph, this’ll be great for both Sega and Disney, which I love both.
Oh my God, yes! He totally needs an ED page!
WandererFox, that was one of the most pathetic posts I’ve read on this site. How do you function with such stupidity?
I’m going to start banning users who pile it on Wanderer Fox. You guys have made your point loud and clear–no need to reinforce the point.
@WanderingFox ” It really hurt my feelings. ”
If your feelings are hurt by a Disney Cameo, about a character who is jumping from all different franchise then you must have some real mental issues if it physically causes you pain.
Shut the fuck up if you don’t like it.
Sega and Disney have had contracts ever since the 80’s you idiot.
@those who pile on wander fox
You guys are no better than him. SHUT UP ALREADY! we get it! No one is talking about the topic Tristan put up anymore. It’s ridiculous! one guy says something and everyone is up in arms. What kind of rep do you give Sonic fans if you’re all bagging on one fan? Cut it out already, and just be happy about the new game.
^ “You guys are no better than him.”
Did you even read his comments?
Let me answer that with another question. Have you read everyone else’s comment about ONE person who piratically had a whole comment blog about him, when it was supposed to be about Sonic and not one disagreeing fan?
^To answer your question, how do you expect this to be about Sonic, when there’s this crybaby who always rains on our parade, especially with his long rant of nonsense? Are we going to let him get away with his childishness? That’s why we had call him out on his childish behavior, because he really needs to learn. Besides just as we already made our point, Tristan already made his, so no need for you to reinforce it for him, so let’s just move on, now that WF is gone.
so they have nerve to send this onto asrt, but nope, no wii version, though graphic are just as good and souldnt even bean issue…