Find The Computer Room Interviewed Hunnid-P, Singer Of Knuckles SA2 Raps
The crew at Find The Computer Room are currently doing a charity stream called Fund The Charity Room. It has just started, but a highlight of the stream that has already happened: an interview with Hunnid-P, who sang and wrote the rapping lyrics for Knuckles’ level background music in Sonic Adventure 2. He also contributed to the SA2 version of Unknown From M.E., Knuckles’ theme song. We’ve included highlights of the interview down below, and you can see an entire replay of the live streamed interview here.
- Hunnid-P explained that the music/instruments were finalized before he made his lyrics. They also gave him some visuals and a written description of the levels as a point of reference to help him make Knuckles “come alive”.
- Hunnid-P says that the lyrics were written in one day. The next day, he went into the studio. The pressure was “ridiculous”, but he took on as a challenge and work hard.
- Hunnid-P says that SEGA let him do his thing. He was able to write what he wanted.
- He has no problem with fan art and memes, as long as they represent him in a positive way.
- He’s still very familiar with the songs because of interactions with fans.
- All of the songs were interesting to him, but the hip-hop style of Pumpkin Hill caught his attention and he “gravitated towards that”.
- Although he wasn’t able to play the game when he did the songs due to the game’s unfinished state, he has played it a few times since its release. He enjoyed it.
- He still checks up on the Sonic franchise every now and then.
- Marlon Sanders, who sang the chorus in Unknown From M.E., recorded his part at a different time. Hunnid-P was alone in the studio when he did his. Everything was separate.
- He thinks its great to see how people are remixing his work and also using his work in mash-ups.
- Death Chamber’s lyrics had Sonic and Knuckles conversing. It was something that SEGA wanted, and he put it in.
- You may recall we wrote in the past, saying that Hunnid-P had claimed involvement in an upcoming Sonic game. It turns out that this wasn’t true. He said what he said as a means to get SEGA’s attention. He wanted to connect with SEGA again, and to answer fan demands. They never got back to him.
- He’d love to record new stuff with SEGA again. He doesn’t have the last call, however. It’s SEGA’s decision.
- Hunnid-P says he’s a gamer and loves games, but he’s not a huge one. He plays Sonic games on the phone, and he’s always been into games, such as when he got a Commodore 64 years ago. He had a SEGA Dreamcast, and he currently has an Xbox One. However, he doesn’t have the time nowadays.
- He wasn’t aware of having fans and the legacy of his Sonic work until roughly 2011, when someone asked him why he hasn’t Googled his name. When he saw what happened, he was shocked.
- He has no ties with royalties and didn’t really make any money for his work. In fact, no one at SEGA even said “you did a good job” to him for what he did. There was no acknowledgement from them.
- During this interview, Hunnid-P did some live rapping of a few of the Sonic songs he wrote for.
- Hunnid-P feels that part of the reason his lyrics/singing was interesting was because of the more edgy language. He felt that it meant that, while the game was intended for kids, his work made the game end up “appealing for everyone”, even adults.
- He says that his experience is “enhanced” by hearing his singing in the game.
- He does love Sonic. He even knew about Sonic before he did his work. He also prefers Sonic Adventure 1 over Sonic Adventure 2.
- He didn’t hear the soundtrack until months later, when he got some tapes from SEGA. He thought it sounded good.
- He wondered where Sonic was going to go back when the Dreamcast was originally discontinued.
- Hunnid-P’s opinion on Big The Cat? He didn’t think anything of it, maybe a little weird. But he says it’s different and that helps make things interesting.
- He feels Knuckles is just the “badass” out of everybody.
- He doesn’t feel like Knuckles needed to be “buffed up” in his Sonic Boom redesign.
- Hunnid-P says he, nor SEGA, should mess with Sonic fans because of their passion.
- He loves the chao and feels they were cute. He also played the Chao Garden and enjoyed the causal nature of the feature, along with the little things the Chao did.
- He’d love to do a concert for the fans with the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack sometime soon. He’d also love if any Sonic conventions were to reach out to him.
- His top two favorite characters are Sonic and Knuckles, but he thinks all the characters are brilliant. They all have some thing he loves about them.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.