E3 2000: What Other Companies Are Doing
Of course, Sega is not the only one that is at E3; Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony are there as well. Here is what they are showing off:
Microsoft: New demos were shown at the Expo; the first was basically a real-time version of the GDC demo. Also, an audio demo was heard. We’ve also heard that Microsoft is bumping up the processor speed to 733 MHz. Tecmo is in talks to bring a special version of Dead or Alive 2 to the XBox as well. If it doesn’t happen, it will go to the PS2. Finally, as we mentioned last night, Microsoft tried to ‘crash’ Sega’s E3 party by sending out a fleet of trucks with the XBox logo covered over them.
Sony: Well, we did tell you about the US Launch info. Now, Sony is showing off a ton of games that will support the PS2. Again, Tecmo is choosing over whether to bring DOA 2 to the PS2 or X-Box. EA Sports has been a major contributor, showing Madden, NHL, NASCAR, and NBA Live 2001, among other titles. Gran Turismo 2000 was there. And Metal Gear Solid 2 is currently being considered as the bets PS2 E3 title right now.
Nintendo: Not a lot from Nintendo, although we are getting reports that Hey You! Pikachu is there, as is Paper Mario (the next Mario RPG). Conker’s Bad Fur Day and Banjo-Tooie are at the show as well.
And that’s pretty much it from the other companies. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Sega News…