Dust Hill World Rankings Results, More Cheating Reaction
The Dust Hill Contest ended June 9th:
1. Flint Silvertree, USA, 1,195,270
2. Josh Feinberg, USA, 1,179,400
3. Flinty, UK, 1,069,630
4. Crimson Fury, Canada, 1,050,740
5. Tao Williamson, UK, 1,050,140
6. Tails-R, UK, 950,330
7. Jfenonn, UK, 741,960
8. Ross, UK, 712,270
9. Crazy Dan, UK, 711,330
10. Tom Stevens, USA, 665,560
I should note that when you get down to the 30th rank, the points shoot down to the 60,000 level. At the 40th rank it tumbles down to 23,000, and at the 50th rank it’s at 16,000.
Also this morning, Crimson Fury E-Mailed me with one final plea to those stereotyping WR leaders:
Ok people. This is the final thing I have to say.
I’ve been playing in these WR’s since the third one, and I’ve been doing well every time. But I can’t stand the constant harassment. Every time I play, I get bizarre e-mails from people always threatening me, or just annoying me.
I’m not gonna take it anymore! I put in DAYS of practice! Not just HOURS like some of you. I play the level over and over and over until I get it so right, that I do it almost perfectly! I don’t cheat! I’m just good at what I do!
And you would think I would get credit for how good I do, right?? noooo.. All I get is the typical “u suck” E-mails from people who put in 1 hour of playing, and then say “Gee, I’m not gonna try to get a good time, instead I’ll just pester the people who actually put in the time with these WR’s and do good”
Look, I’m not saying that I’m God, I’m just good. And I think it’s about time I and other top WR players (get what we) deserve!
We need more people like tails-r, who put in the time, and don’t gripe and whine like babies when they don’t have the time, or in some cases skill, to do good in these WR’s.
That’s all I have to say on the “cheater” issue. Now stop pestering all of us about cheating people! CUZ WE’RE NOT!
The next WR has yet to be decided.