BleedingCool: “Archie Comics Won’t Show Face At SDCC After Public Breakup With Sega”
We’ve heard from SEGA. We’ve heard from Archie Sonic’s team, not just current workers but former ones too. But one party has been quiet on the matter: Archie Comics itself. Over 24 hours have passed since SEGA confirmed that Archie Sonic was done, and Archie Comics’ PR has not said a thing. In fact, it has been “business as usual” for Archie HQ, as promotion for Archie series and Riverdale continued on their Twitter. It doesn’t help that all this is happening simultaneously with San Diego Comic Con either, which recently started on Thursday. Indeed, it seems the SEGA/Archie “break up” has put a damper into the latter’s already lackluster SDCC plans, if what BleedingCool’s reporting has suggested:
Following yesterday’s report that Archie Comics was dumped by longtime licensing partner Sega via tweet, a new report reveals that Archie doesn’t have a booth at San Diego Comic Con this year.
Salacious comics tabloid The Beat reports that Archie marketing executive Alex Segura also pulled out of their Comics “Journalism” panel and is absent from the convention. The news would be all the more shocking if Archie had planned to attend the show in the first place, but in retrospect, a lack of any promotion or advertisement of Archie’s presence at the con beyond a single Saturday panel, Archie Comics Forever: Riverdale and Beyond, or any listing on the SDCC Exhibitors page, could probably have been considered a major clue that the company would not have a big presence at the show.
There is no question that Archie’s panel on Saturday (which coincidentally happens 6 hours before Sonic Team’s panel) will have people’s attention, but it won’t just be because of Riverdale. A speedy hedgehog disguised as an elephant will be in the room. Whether Archie will acknowledge it is still up for debate, but if their PR as of late has been any indicator, it’s not looking too likely.
This post was originally written by the author for TSSZ News.
Gotta Go Fast
Somehow I feel like Sega announced it right before Comic Con on purpose just to screw Archie over.
it seems that way, doesn’t it? xD
Maybe Archie could have cancelled their SDCC panel at the last minute.
Sonic made Archie comics cool…. at least they still have Megaman, but I was never a fan of that series anyway.
They’ve just lost a customer.
You mean the Megaman comic that has been on hiatus for two years?
I wonder when Capcom will fire Archie for that. XD
Capcom should have struck a deal with IDW at the same time Sonic got the IDW rights. Maybe Capcom can strike a deal with Dynamite Comics (they publish comic book adaptions of Atari 1980’s games Centipede and Swordquest in recent months) for Mega Man comic book rights?
Having to handle mutual friends is always the most awkward thing after a breakup. I don’t blame them for staying home and watching Netflix until this all blows over. XP
I hope they’re watching Sonic Underground then.
Aside from Alex Segura being absent the convention, didn’t we know about this already? I thought it came up that they didn’t have a booth this year.
There’s a reason why I said it put a damper on Archie’s already lackluster plans, dude.
Sonic wins.
IDW baby 2018
Good riddance to Archie once and for all.