Original content is copyright © 2005-2024 Last Minute Continue (LMC). All copyrights are reserved to their respective authors, and protected by copyright laws and treaties.
As of the current date, LMC and its affiliates are not affiliated with SEGA Corporation, and its subsidiaries. Sonic the Hedgehog, related characters, and the SEGA marks are either registered trademarks of, or copyrights held by SEGA Corporation.
As of 2025 LMC member Urtheart is a staff member of Rebellion Developments, this status is declared during any related video recording/let’s play or podcast that relates to the products of Rebellion.
The podcast PES – Association Football Podcast was as official production between Last Minute Continue (through LMC member Kevin) and Konami between 2013-2014. There is no further affiliation between the two entities to disclose. Furthermore, as of the current date LMC and its affiliates are not affiliated with any other video game developer or related company within the video game sphere.
Use of trademarks such of those above, as well as related imagery and video, may fall under the Fair Use provision set forth in Title 17, Sec. 107 of the United States Code. Or the equivalents there of.
‘Pac Ghost’ characters represented within the LMC logo and branding are created under parody, with designs copyright Last Minute Continue, (© 2012-Present).
Opinions & Content
The opinions expressed on the platform are solely those of the author and do not represent the collective views or editorial direction of LMC or its affiliates.
This additionally applies to archive content: LMC as a collective entity does not endorse any opinions expressed within the works created by others that are hosted, collectively or in part, on LastMinuteContinue.com or its associated channels. This incorporates archived material from TSSZ News, SonicStyle.org, EmeraldCoast.co.uk, VRFocus and others from the many disparate backgrounds.
Regarding archive content
Some archive content from external sources found on the LMC website may include negative language, depictions, or terms that may be considered insensitive or offensive. Dated by the changing use of language and opinions of over two decades. It is not possible to check all content in this manner and most items have been left as is, being reflective of the time.
In some cases, edits have been made to such content. These may be for any of the following:
- Improvements to the quality of the experience, such as audio/video errors, spelling mistakes, etc.
- Factual improvement where details may be added, noted as historical hindsight.
- To remove copyright affected segments.
- To replace dead links
- To remove obvious issues in language/terms, such as those mentioned immediately above.
Any significant edits to the original are noted at the bottom of any web page.
LMC neither endorses nor recommends any products or services advertised unless otherwise stated, and will not be responsible for any action or damages resulting directly or indirectly from claims made or implied.
Additional information
Modified WordPress theme ‘VidoRev’ copyright BeeTeam368, (© 2019-Present).