Sonic Channel Accepting 20th Anniversary Artwork
Sonic Channel have always had a good little collection of fan art on their website, well now for those of you that can read japanese the Japanese cousin of Sonic City (wherever that went) is now taking 20th Anniversary related artwork to show off at some point.
Now admittedly my Japanese is not great (heck neither is my English) but from what I can gather here be some of the rules:
- The theme is “Happy Birthday Sonic” and the picture should focus on Sonic himself.
- You can either send your entry in by hand (address details on the site), or digital with a form on site, format in JPG, GIF or PNG, no bigger than 512KB or 650px (width or height)
- You’ll also need to submit your name, address, age and a comment about the piece itself.
- You’ve got till 20th of June (I think)
That’s about all I can translate (please feel free to correct me) so have fun artists.