Stories Around Azeroth
When it comes to Titanscreed, his real gaming love is World of Warcraft, and you know what? He’s pretty bloody good at it.
A seasoned RPG player, TC has dedicated years and years to the title and every week or so he likes to get together with his good friend Frazley to talk raids and DPS and the pains of not having enough damn people healing. But combining that with tales of game lore, analysis of campaigns, overviews of decisions by Blizzard and their own takes on what’s happening around the world of Azeroth (and beyond).
Whether you’re for the Horde or for the Alliance if you’re a Warcraft player this is one podcast definitely for your ears…
It’s somewhat hard to imagine now, but there was a time when podcasting was this new and revolutionary thing. When iTunes was this little upstart music platform created by Apple that only a few geeky people had heard of and there was a time when the only SEGA community outlet with real "radio" content was SEGASonic:Radio. In creating Radio Redux I wanted to create a unique brand show, I wanted a podcast (bandwagon-ers gotta bandwagon) primarily as there was no other video game podcast at the time focusing on SEGA or Sonic. I also wanted to move away from the livecast formats in use, much like I wanted to change the stuck-in-a-rut sprite comic format with Sonic Wrecks. Try and up... well, maybe not the professionalism as there were obvious limits to that... but at least up the quality of the show. This would result in the creation of various show segments which evolved over time. Radio Redux the first Sonic-centric podcast in the world, it was also one of the first video games related podcasts and one of the first officially classified video games podcasts period. Not bad considering they had to be uploaded on 56k for several years. Time passes and Radio Redux is nothing like what it used to be, for the betterment, yet even 15 years after episode one people still speak fondly for the show. Old listeners still get excited by the first bars of "Y'Know" and three simple words that were never meant to become a catchphrase.

For more than a decade, Radio Redux has been the flagship podcast of LMC and of Sonic Wrecks before it.
Once the cornerstone of SEGA/Sonic podcasts it continues to entertain now with a wider plaftorm and its signature mix wit and cool video game music.
Games and wrestling are one thing – what about TV and film and comics and anime and… well, everything else really?
LMC Cast is a monthly discussion show where members of the crew discuss what media and entertainment they’ve been enjoying… or not, as the case may be!