Sonic Style
A Christmas Carol #06 – A Revelation
Sonic Style (, much like both Sonic Wrecks and Emerald Coast were part of the ‘third generation’ of Sonic fan sites. Tentatively coming in to the fanbase in the latter part of 2004 and really making their mark over the next couple of years.
Stylistically, the site changed several times over that period; although the look whose header featured Tikal and prophecy images of Perfect Chaos are probably the most well remembered.
Run by smooth talking Indianan Demx – also known in some parts Pharoah Demx or Kemokai Slayer – Sonic Style featured a mix of media, comics and a podcast as well. Striking a very similar tone to Sonic Wrecks and the two would end up with a strong friendship and respect for each other, crossing over semi-regularly and with each referring to the other as the American/British version of each other’s websites respectively.
The Sonic Style sprite comic was, however, the main draw of the site. So it’s with that kinship that, years later, means the comic archive is brought to LMC.