01:50:34 Let's PlayVideos 3 SNAKES AND A BIG WOOFER | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #13 10 July, 2023 13 July, 2023 "We have a new snake - and it's a bird." Doublexxcross does her best to take Kevin everywhere but the place he wants to go.
02:06:30 Let's PlayVideos A SHINY IN THE WILD! | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #12 3 July, 2023 5 July, 2023 "Turn the child upside down, shake it!" It's time to do some more grinding on the way to the next gym.
01:37:41 Let's PlayVideos A MOTHER’S LOVE | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #11 26 June, 2023 1 July, 2023 Mistress and Muffin head back to Lavender Town with a Silph Scope in hand and mLion King 2 songs in their heart.
01:44:39 Let's PlayVideos GIOVANNI’S RULE 34 FUND | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #10 19 June, 2023 25 June, 2023 Giovanni, the boss of Team Rocket appears! (Along with his questionable collection of artworks.)
01:43:13 Let's PlayVideos DARK SIDE STORY | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #9 12 June, 2023 7 July, 2023 Gobby gets some time out in the field to help take down Team Rocket's child trafficking ring.
01:40:01 Let's PlayVideos THE DEMON PANTOMIME | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #8 5 June, 2023 7 July, 2023 Ekans and Big Woofer take to the streets, fields and patches of tall grass to dispense their own brand of poké-justice.
02:11:42 Let's PlayVideos LIQUID SNAKE | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #7 29 May, 2023 5 June, 2023 Team Rocket tries to jump Mistress and Muffin, only for them to be saved by a member of the Elite Four.
01:45:18 Let's PlayVideos SURGE PROTECTOR | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #6 22 May, 2023 29 May, 2023 It's time to head back into the world of Let's Go Eevee as GuardEzio tempts fate by insulting the star of the show.
01:43:41 Let's PlayVideos THE FACE THAT LAUNCHED EXACTLY ONE SHIP | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #5 8 May, 2023 8 May, 2023 On the S.S. Anne, DoubleXXCross and Kevin learn the best way to move forward is to “activate the woman”.
01:19:54 Let's PlayVideos LAW & ORDER: SPECIAL EKANS UNIT | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #4 1 May, 2023 4 May, 2023 Kevin and DoubleXXCross take on CRIME in Cerulean City and deal with Steve's (possible) growing affection for Mistress.
02:04:44 Let's PlayVideos POKÉ-MON CHÉRI | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #3 24 April, 2023 26 April, 2023 It's Valentine's Day, so Kevin and DoubleXXCross spend their evening going around town and beating the bejesus out of people.
02:08:45 Let's PlayVideos WHERE IS MY BOI? | Pokémon: Let’s Go Ekans! #2 10 April, 2023 16 April, 2023 Kevin is getting frustrated - there's no sign of his mighty snake! Where is Ekans?