Post-Assessment DISCUSSION VIDEO w/ Bryan (Nerdword Entertainment) – Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 Deserve Remakes
Last time, I put forth the argument that Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 deserves remakes. A special guest that you all may know, Bryan from Nerdword Entertainment, discussed with me what those remakes would look like.
Thanks again to Bryan for being our guest!
Last time, I also asked for your thoughts on the matter. Here are some highlights from the comment section.
1) How would you want to see the Chao Garden be expanded upon?
Mix the 6 chao gardens from SA and SA2 in the same game, make a quick way to give your chao your collected animals/chaos drives, full online functionality, the possibility of entering the chao garden with any character including the ones from multiplayer. -RAW
2) What could be done to Big the Cat’s stages to make him less boring? Should he get cut?
Platforming involving his fishing rod. Using it offensively, a grappling hook, and using it to swing around poles. In fact, I’m pretty sure I envisioned one big fishing rod platforming stage that leads to one small pond with only Froggy inside to basically just end the stage for every stage. -RAREFOIL
3) What developer/team would you hire to create these remakes?
Clearly Retro Studio, they have a golden hand for resurrecting the olds Nintendo franchise (Metroid, Donkey kong), Modern Sonic needs to be re-established on a good stable basis and I think Retro Studio is probably the most able to do it with a real chance of success. –NOVAREK
Retro Studios would be a cool pick. Unfortunately it’s very unlikely, as they are a division of Nintendo.
Thanks for your response! Hope to see you again in the next Assessment.
Noah Copeland is a somewhat interesting human. He makes music, makes films, and stands at exactly average height. You can follow him on Twitter @NoahCopeland
I know they are a division of Nintendo, let us dream :3
Yes! Please dream! Bryan and I certainly were dreaming. That’s what this whole thing is about.
(i had to put the disclaimer they were a nintendo division or someone would have pointed it out in the comments and been all like, “wellll technicallyyyyyy…..” you know how it goes! lol)
A better division would be platinum games, seriously those guys have never had a bad game, and has worked with Sega in the past.
They have made some bad game, they did a TMNT which was a “meh…” and I can’t say that the last Star Fox was a brillant succes.
In fact, when you look at the game made by Platinium, you will see that most of the game which are not their own licence are far to reach the quality level of their own IP
If I recall, I do think someone mentioned Platinum in the comments of the original article. Wouldn’t be a bad choice either. They handled speed decently for the vehicle mode in Transformers
I think I mentioned it in the last article, but Grezzo was primarily responsible for the Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask 3DS remakes. I think they’d make a good developer for this. They’re not beholden to Nintendo either, they’re a SquareEnix entity, so everyone could get in on the fun.