Fan Fridays: Sonic Mania Fanimation
Animation seems to be the talk of the town right now. Nearly one year ago we first learned about Sonic Mania Adventures. Twelve months and six episodes later, and the mini-series has found itself to be a massive success. So much so that it’s taken the fanbase by storm, far enough for certain fans to create their own episodes entirely. That’s exactly what YouTuber Nagyo set out to do, animating yet “another adventure” that showcases what would’ve happened if Amy brought Metal Sonic to Tails instead of Eggman. The short has even been praised by Tyson Hesse himself!
Nagyo has an entire channel’s worth of animations, all of which can be viewed here. We’re always searching for fan work to highlight, so if you too have a project you’d like to share then please shoot us a link over at fansonfriday@tssznews.com!
Awesome. It’s such a great thing to see people bring this franchise to life with animation.